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About endofwar

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I am a beginner. How detonating satchel charge in ACE.
  2. I have 2 questions: I have a i7 2600 and frequency is 1.6G and this is normal? Turbo boost is activated only when he wants?
  3. hi guys! gtx 570 + rezolution 1920x1080 is good combination for ArmaII? video setting on high or very high? someone have this specifications? Thanks!
  4. I have 2 hdd. How is better? one OS and the other ARMA2? or RAID 0?
  5. Does anyone know if there are problems with drivers nvidia for 2gtx SLI?
  6. Thanks for the replies. Another problem: I install two sata3 500Gb HDD in RAID 0? or the first operating system and second ARMA2.?
  7. I bought monitor ASUS LCD 21.5"LED ML228H, 1920x1080 and GPU LEADTEK WinFast GTX560-Ti 1024 DDR5. I want to know if SLI is important in ARma2 or provide any performance gain.
  8. Hi guys. I like the ARMAII but I not have a PC . I played with friends. Now I am able to buy a PC. I want to get a monitor with 18, 5 inches and 1366x768 resolution. Good or should I take another larger and more expensive?
  9. I am a beginner and have to choose between i7 2600 and i5 2500 .If you buy the most expensive lot of performance drops? ---------- Post added at 12:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 AM ---------- thanks PuFu.
  10. Hi guys! I want to know if the matter difference between i7 2600 si i5 2500 in Arma2.
  11. endofwar

    ArmaHolic ArmA 2 Optimization

    my game is installed in C on OS XP 32bit and minutely to block for 1 second. What should I do? My system hardware: CPU Core 2 Duo@3.0 GHz, 250 GTS video card, 4 GB RAM.