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Everything posted by schoschi666

  1. Sorry but this is unplayable in 1st person.... own weapon sound volume is lower than own footsteps.... when switching to 3rd person view it gets much louder. (tested among others in showcase>infantry) This is with Arma 1.54 and CBA 2.2
  2. schoschi666

    SLI can reduce fps

    I have tested several nvidia-systemsettings with 2 GTX 680, and I noticed that running them on SLI can have lower fps than using only one for rendering. This seems to occur in missions where the CPU (i7 3770K @ 4,6 in my case) is heavy on stress because of lots of AI going on on Altis and I only had around 30fps, enabling SLI in this case reduced fps to around 25. In simple missions (like the BI presentations) where the CPU is not bottlenecking, SLI increases fps by around 25-30%. I guess running 2 cards on SLI on 2 PCIe slots produces some overhead that means a little more stress for the CPU compared to just handling one card. But as Arma3 is very often limited by CPU power, I'd say that it's better to have one top graphic card than 2 in SLI. Using one exclusivly for phyxs didnt give me any fps gains, at least when running around as infantrist. Did anybody experience the same?
  3. schoschi666

    SLI can reduce fps

    Well Altis is huge... I dont think any Mod-Map is that big!?
  4. schoschi666

    SLI can reduce fps

    Well not only that one good GPU is better than 2 lower ones... even 2 TOP GPUs will be worse than only 1 of those top GPUs! SLI can be really counterproductive if the CPU is bottlenecking (which it is most of the time as ARMA3 is bad multithreaded and Core-0 is limiting)
  5. I noticed something intresting on my system: Most of the time Arma3 starts to lagg and my fps drop below 30 (while they're most of the time in sp-missions above 40fps, Arma3Bench Stratis shows 55 fps avg), the Windows performance monitor is showing in the memory area under "paging errors" some peaks, sometimes massive peaks, while it shows a zero-line when Arma runs smooth. While my CPU-0 (the most demanded core) usage is pretty steady below 80% and shows no correlation to the laggs, and my SLI GPUs are just bored anyway. Paging error means, that a process needs to access data that was put from physical RAM into the virtual memory, which is the paging file of windows (on a SSD in my case). Since I have 8GB RAM and the physical memory usage by the system while running SIXTupdater, Addons and ARM3 is only about 50%, I guess the paging errors happen, because Arma can only use like 2GB of RAM and further Arma data is then put into the virtual memory by the system, and if Arma needs to access that data (from HDD/SSD) it laggs and fps drops. Performance monitor shows that Arma3 uses most of the time like 1900MB of physical RAM, and like 1700MB of virtual RAM. I guess this is a general RAM usage issue of Arma, and not just my system. I thought about a possible solution: Why not use a RAMdisk and then set the windows paging file location to it, so everytime the inevitable virtual memory swaping of Arma and access of that data happens it actually happens on RAM too, an not the HDD/SSD? This should make Arma perform even better than using the RAMdisk to copy the whole arma files on it, because then arma would still use virtual memory on the HDD/SSD! One would need like 16GB to be able to set a big enough RAMdisk for windows paging file.
  6. schoschi666

    Lagging because of memory paging errors

    I know this is how VRAM is supposed/called to work, but it seems like it doesnt for ARMA!? I use Windows 7 64bit, and like I said, while overall physical RAM usage of my 8GBs when playing Arma is around 50% (so I'm not running out of it), Arma only takes like 1900MB of it (max mem set to 4000, using tbb3malloc custom memory allocater for Arma doesnt help either) and still uses 1700MB of virtual memory, while 4GB physicaly are still available!? (at least thats what windows performance monitor says) Also the lagging clearly correlates with said memory paging "error" peaks. Please check this yourself on your system: run Windows performance monitor (task-manager->performance monitor), switch to the "memory" tab, start Arma and play a singleplayer mission, if you experience lagging and fps drop (use fps display) wait a few seconds and then alt-tab to windows desktop with the performance monitor, notice that alt-tabbing out of Arma produces a paging-error peak itself, but there should be some more previous ones in the diagram. I can't find any other reason for the lagging, CPU diagram courses look unremarkable, yes CPU-0 is more stressed than others but no clear peaks correlated to the lagging, Arma running as high priority process (not realtime), speedstepping and core parking dactivated, GPU performance usage drops from around 50% to below 40% when the lagging occurs because it seems they need to wait for some other bottleneck and can't perform, Arma and Windows are on dedicated SSDs, tried every tweaking like "gime more frames" registry tweak and tbb3malloc custom memory allocater.... still I get lagging and framerate drops to below 30fps, while normally I have above 40fps, Arma3Bench Stratis shows 55 fps average and 39 fps minimum, Altis 49 fps avg, though strangely on some runs those benchs perform 20% worse
  7. I noticed on my system, that most of the time Arma3 starts to lagg and my fps drop below 30 (while most of the time in sp-missions its above 40, Arma3Bench Stratis shows 55 fps avg), the Windows performance monitor is showing in the memory area under "paging errors" some peaks, sometimes massive peaks, while CPU-0 (the most demanded core) usage is pretty steady below 80% and my SLI GPUs are just bored anyway. Paging error means, that a process needs to access data that was put from physical RAM into the virtual memory, which is the paging file of windows (on a SSD in my case). Since I have 8GB RAM and the physical memory usage by the system while running SIXTupdater, Addons and ARM3 is only about 50%, I guess the paging errors happen, because Arma can only use like 2GB of RAM and further Arma data is then put into the virtual memory by the system, and if Arma needs to access that data (from HDD/SSD) it laggs and fps drops. Performance monitor shows that Arma3 uses most of the time like 1900MB of physical RAM, and like 1700MB of virtual RAM. I guess this is a general RAM usage issue of Arma, and not just my system. I thought about a possible solution: Why not use a RAMdisk and then set the windows paging file location to it, so everytime the inevitable virtual memory usage of Arma and access of that data happens it actually happens on RAM too, an not the HDD/SSD? This should make Arma perform even better than using the RAMdisk to copy the whole arma files on it, because then arma would still use virtual memory on the HDD/SSD! One would need like 16GB then to be able to set a big enough RAMdisk for windows paging file.
  8. schoschi666

    ARMA 2 controls - setting up a G13

    Maybe I just don't get I right how this thing works, but I just dont get my G13 Controller to work in Arma2. This is what my key profiler looks like, I assigned keypresses to the controller keys G1 - G22 and I press the button with the red running men and the select "save profile" (Profil speichern) the G13 Display then shows a update clock. When pressing the G-Keys in Arma the G13 Disp shows e.g. "Macro W activated" for the G-Key with the W-Key assignement but in Arma nothing happens. Am I missing anything?
  9. schoschi666

    Logitech G13 and ArmaII

    Hello @ all, I ve bought a G13 for Christmas, mainly to use it as controller for Arma. But sadly, I cant get it to work in Arma. It's not even displayed in the Game Controller Menue, my Logitech Steerin Wheel is listed. The recorded Keys or Macros simply dont work in Arma. The G13 works fine with Window programs like Photoshop though. Does anybody run a G13 with ArmaII? If it doesnt work with Arma which controller does? Thanks alot guys! Schorschi