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About Snail123

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  1. Thank you Mr. Fanboi. But see...it is thier problem. If you make a game and the people who buy it can't make it work...then supporting it (ya know...helping folks make it work) kind of goes with the whole business. That is, unless you don't mind just taking thier money and forgetting the hell about them...which may be the course you're suggesting...but one which I doubt most would agree is good business. Regardless if it's your coding, or how your coding interacts with your customer's computers. See...it's not like I'm not trying here. But saying stupid sh*t like "google is your friend" and "it's not their problem" is neither helpful, nor much of anything beyond trolling. So...take your fanboi trolling arse out of my thread and go be useless elsewhere, thanks. Jerk.
  2. Also having this problem. win7, 2500 pings on most servers, and 500+ on the rest. Using windows firewall, arma2 enabled there. Tried with and without virus scanner running. Tried reinstalls. Tried running as admin, with firewall off, with uac off...etc etc. Nothing seems to be fixing this. Connected to cable moden through a hub. Also connected to the internet through that hub is a 2nd computer running win xp...sitting on the desk next to the windows 7 computer with 2500 pings....the xp computer has normal pings in the 40 range and up and has always run fine. So...the problem would seem to be something to do with the windows 7 box in particular. I know of at least one other person, besides those posting here...who's had this problem...yet there seems to be a surprising lack of posts/info concerning it...and certainly no response from the BI devs. Any ideas?