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Everything posted by Lal

  1. Lal

    Coltan Blues

    I think it might be a bit bugged, when I arrived to find that guy dead and see the bomb it autosaves, and then after the autosave it just automatically goes "shit, it's too late!" or something like that. I never got to see any code on a piece of paper or anything.
  2. Lal

    cant locate captives with UAV

    Uh, I've got a similar problem, I can get the UAV to fly around the question marks, but how is this supposed to help me? It's so far up you can't spot anything on the ground! I don't get it...
  3. Lal

    *Help* Cannont Open File

    I'm having the exact same problem, but I don't fully understand, did you delete only the two files, or the entire game? How do I do an integrity check?
  4. Lal

    Clay pigeon shooting

    Afaik, shotguns only fire slugs in arma2. At least vanilla Arma2.
  5. Lal

    Is arma ... fun?

    One question. What does TvT stand for?
  6. Lal

    Voice Acting?

    It's so they wouldn't have to record thousands of sound clips.
  7. Lal

    Is arma ... fun?

    OP, I felt like you do for a long time. To me the reason was, as you also state, an abundance of controls and the lack of a good and descriptive manual. However, now the game is awesome! In other words you might want to keep playing for a while and see if it gets better. Spotting enemies was insanely hard to me at first. So was remaining unseen and even hitting reliably with the weapons, not to mention the fact that I had no idea how the map worked with enemy spottings and so on. This will change after a while however.
  8. Lal

    space bar poll

    I voted for option number two. I found the spacebar to be a complete godsend when I first got into this game, as spotting and identifying enemies in this game is harder than in any other I have ever played. Removing it completely is something I think could turn a lot of players off from it.
  9. Lal

    Grass, does it realy help?

    I disabled it since it's just an incredible nuisance in spotting enemies. I guess that's sort of a noob thing to do, but as other people have stated, since the AI isn't affected by it the same way they get an unfair advantage and can see you when you have no way of seeing them even if they are also prone.
  10. You can select the units and then click 0(I think) and select "send units" or something. Never got it to work in the official warfare missions myself, but it's supposed to work.
  11. I don't mind COD (although I have only played the second one) and I love Arma2. I suspect you are writing this because there is some sort of general agreement on this board that there are two kinds of players, those who like Arma2 and those who like every other fps.
  12. Lal

    Arma 2 live broadcast

    That is so cool! I've been waiting for something like this for a long time, seeing as I'm looking into starting to play online soon, but would like to see how it ususally goes down first. EDIT: On a side note, is there any way to watch it in lower resolution? My connection is really bad at the moment, and I can't afford a better one as of right now.
  13. Lal

    Simple Soldier Eyecandy

    So you're THAT kind of guy eh! :p Seriously though, this suggestion is good! I like it. Maybe not top priority, but it would be fun!
  14. Yeah I kinda agree with this. It always seemed weird to me how you almost look down into the ground whilst prone.
  15. Hmmm, do you mean control the helicopter or the units? Sorry if I'm being a bit slow here. What happens when you send the units to another team when you're not the commander I'm not sure of, but you lose control of them for sure. Try to use the "disband" function instead when you've selected the units(it's on the same tab as sending units iirc) that usually kills them and allows you to take control of the helicopter yourself, if that's what you want to do. Also, the helicopter isn't actually in your list of units. What looks like a helicopter icon is actually the pilot and/or gunner/crewmen. As long as you disband and not send the units you can take control of the actual chopper yourself. There is also an option of buying an empty chopper somewhere on the buy page. I think it's called "add empty" or something. Costs less and is great if you're gonna fly it yourself anyway. Hope this makes sense, I find it hard to explain these things in a simple manner. :)
  16. It would be cool to have more submachine guns implemented and have the option to use those in the gun slot(maybe with some ammo restrictions or some balancing feature) since guns are essentially useless and the MP5 is way too weak and inaccurate to take up a primary wep slot. This might go against realism or something though, dunno if SMG's have ever been used as sidearms.
  17. Lal

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Obviously the people who vote "no" feel no need for this implementation and would rather see BI work on something else.
  18. Looks cool, I'd love to have it in game. It might even add some new depth and strategy.
  19. Lal

    Chernarus borders ?

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean by chernarus being an island. Anyway what happens when you traverse the borders is that the landscape loses its grass and trees and so on and essentially become a plain featureless landscape in one color.
  20. Lal

    Bayonet/knife poll

    I wouldn't mind bayonets/knives/whatever being implemented if BI can get it to work well without spending a huge amount of time on it. Otherwise I'd say it's worthless to spend BI time on and would benefit more from being implemented through a mod.
  21. My favourite weapon has to be either the PKM or the PKP. The PKP wins with its scope, but for some reason the PKM just seems a bit easier on the recoil. I'm also a pretty big fan of the AK-107. I think a big part of why I love the machine guns is because they pack stronger ammo and an overall bigger punch. I just don't like having to shoot people 3-4 times when you can shoot them once or twice instead. MP5 is one of my overall most hated weapons in game, except for the silenced version simply because it sounds so incredibly quiet when it fires. Overall it's not worth it though, it's like a pistol that takes up a main weapon slot. Weak and horribly inaccurate beyond 50 meters.
  22. You mean you assigned the helicopter pilot and crew to another team or? If so then yes the helicopter will sit there until you tell it to do something. Moving units to other teams is just an organization feature, it doesn't actually physically move anything.
  23. I can tell you that it's the best game I've bought in years(I'm a casual TF2 player, or ex player after this game changed my gaming life) and it holds all promises as far as immersive hardcore gameplay is concerned. The worst thing(s) this game could do to you is radically change your taste in fps' forever, or drive you insane with bugs(I haven't experienced any of the latter.)
  24. Lal

    Catching up plus "Will it Run"?

    From a guy suffering from "less"(money that is) this game lasts forever. Buy it! It's worth the cash.
  25. Imo, no. The campaign is far from being "that bad". I think the gameplay and objectives, although devilishly hard for a person used to more casual games, is pretty good. The storyline was really cool, and I can't think of any objectives that aren't fun to try and accomplish. There was quite a few bugs/scripting errors in it(and some say there still is) but my second playthrough went way smoother than the first one.