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Everything posted by dik23

  1. Hi I am having a strange problem with Arma2 with the 1.08 update which is making the game unplayable While the music and speech is fine other sounds are very distorted. I can load a game up and everything is fine until I try to walk / shoot / any other sound. The sound produced is very loud and blocks out all other sound. I can stop this by turning off "Effects" under the audio settings, but this is not very useful when playing. Also the effects option has no control over the level of the bad noise being produced, whether set to quiet or loud the sound is the same. This problem does not exist when I load up Arrowhead or BAF, which is causing me great confusion. Both Arrowhead and BAF work perfectly Please help ! I am running Win7 64bit with 6Gb RAM, dual core E8500 @ 3.2Ghz with HD6870 1Gb and Creative SB X-Fi. Thanks in advance for any advise
  2. dik23

    Strange sound issue

    Anyone ? Please ? Something else I noticed - the bad noise is only through the right speaker, although both are fine in A2OA
  3. I have set up Linux dedi server at mine. So far it seems to be doing fine but I have hit a problem. I am running the server (linux) and client (xp) both on the same ip and it seems that when I start up the client and go to multiplayer it prevents the server from reporting it's existence. I don't even have to try and log in to a game, just viewing GameSpy does the trick However, if I set the client to LAN on multiplayer, close it down, start the server, and then start the client it prevents this and the server is still visible to the outside world. I know this because it shows up on both the SWEC and HLSW websites. So it seems GameSpy doesn't like two machines on the same ip using different ports ? Is there any way round this without paying out for some more static ip addresses ? It's a little annoying since if I start the client and it's not set to LAN it takes the server off and occasionally I'd like to play on other servers without having to restart my server each time. Edit : I have changed the ports on the server away from the standard so as not to clash, which is why I am confused
  4. Yeah, seems so. At the time it was getting good reviews, even recommended, and seemed like DD-WRT was going to be possible. Plus there didn't seem to be much competition in the Giga LAN, N router market. Now the RT-N16 is here with 128Mb RAM and a 530Mhz chip that takes no effort to install DD-WRT it's no contest ! Ho-hum, sure someone will have this Belkin off me, now if I could only find that box....
  5. Right, I think this is case closed. I have pulled my network to bits today and replaced the Belkin with an old Linksys that's running DD-WRT and acting as a repeater elsewhere in my home. All my problems disappeared. It's the Belkin. Thanks Bob.Dob for making me think in a different direction. Anyone want to buy a Belkin N+ F5D8235-4 v1 ? Very good price. I'm going to get a ASUS RT-N16
  6. Ok - on further testing when the server is reported as down I can get it to be reported again by unplugging the Belkin for 10s and re-booting it. Using the reset option in the Belkins webUI also works. Resetting the Thomson has no effect. The Belkin carries all of the login details for the ISP, not the Thomson which is running as a "pure" modem. I have a static IP and so the Belkin is set to Static with the IP, Subnet Mask and ISP Gateway the only options. So I presume I am resetting the connection with my ISP although I'm not sure that's relevant or if it's a problem with the Belkin. The server will remain "unseen" forever (I have tested overnight) unless either the router is rebooted or the server stopped then started. Edit : Changing OpenDNS for GoogleDNS or my IPs DNS makes no difference.
  7. I have a Belkin N+ (F5D8235-4 v1000) with both SPI firewall and ICMP Ping blocking disabled. I have tried putting the Linux box in the DMZ but it makes no difference. This is connected to a Thomson TG585 v7 which is bridged and used as a modem. I am using OpenDNS if that makes any difference - I should really test using my ISPs DNS but don't see how it's going to make a difference seeing as I can leave the server running for as long as I like without issue. It's only when I view the GameSpy page from my XP machine (I don't even try and join any game) I have a problem. There's no error logs written
  8. Should I report this as a bug ?
  9. dik23

    Rexxenexx's arma2serverGUI

    Looks good - hope they let you post it Do you need any beta testers ?
  10. dik23

    Ubuntu 9.10

    Any idea what my issue is in post 7 ?
  11. dik23

    Can't connect to friends

    If you're all on the same LAN do not connect to each other through GameSpy Click "Remote" and then put in the internal IP of the server
  12. dik23

    Ubuntu 9.10

    Are you sure running it as root is a good idea, esp since it's open to the world ? I have it set up to run under a new user "game" which has no privileges and start using the command sudo -u game ./arma2server start Am even thinking of chroot jailing game, just in case !
  13. dik23

    Ubuntu 9.10

    I am running it on 8.04.3 and the way I start it is ~/arma2/arma2server start But you have to edit the arma2server, server.cfg and arma2.cfg files first I am having problems with it being announced on GameSpy, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't It always starts with a line: nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout But if that line doesn't return to a prompt it doesn't announce although I can access it over my LAN so it works. Also it seems that I sometimes have to stop and start FireStarter (IPTables config) to get it to announce. Also - even when it's up on GameSpy in multiplayer it shows on http://arma2.swec.se as down, or if I'm lucky waiting Confusing Edit: Should the second half of this be a new post ?