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Stan Dandyliver

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About Stan Dandyliver

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  1. Stan Dandyliver

    TrackIR Profiles?

    I'm obliged to you, DMarkwick - I thought that so long as I'd started the game with TrackIR set to my alternative profile then that was what Arma3 would use, but you're absolutely correct. You've save me a lot of time and bewilderment - thank you.
  2. Stan Dandyliver

    TrackIR Profiles?

    I hate showing how inept I am when it comes to all matters computing, but here goes: I have set my TrackIR to default to a profile wherein I've set the various hotkeys (centre, pause, precision and profile) to keys other than the original F12, 7, 8 and 9). However, in game, I cannot use my F7, F9 or F12 keys to make team selections; they seem to have gone back to being TrackIR functions. I've checked that I've put a tick in the Hotkeys 'enable' box against my new selections (the LWin, Media Select, Next Track and Prev Track buttons on my keyboard) - what am I missing? Is there anyone out there kind and patient enough to help an old git work out where he's going rwong, please?
  3. Interestingly (to me, anyway...) after I Alt-Tabbed out of CO to write the previous message, on my return to Arma2 the mission then started generating and within 20s I was back in the game. New problem - upon completion of that task, the next one (another rebel-leader-in-stronghold) has frozen just as Torch and Spark reached 2km from the target. Ah well - it's worth persevering, eh?!
  4. Similar problem here to Ataribaby - mission freezes on "one dot" while generating the 6th episode, something to do with a strongpoint assault. Playing the no-addon version in 1.60 with no Betas; I do run OKT no-blur and DPS Frame-rate counters, will try with these de-selected. Oh, and I have saved a few times (don't have ColStaglers problem!) which I understand may have SNAFU'd the mission. I have to say that, apart from the snag mentioned above, this is one of the most enjoyable experiences in SP ArmA2 ever - very many thanks for this.
  5. Stan Dandyliver

    Arma2 on the BBC

    BBC News article Mr Buchta takes an interesting opportunity to show how Arma2 is getting noticed in the wider world.
  6. Stan Dandyliver

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    PhantomSix, I'm probably insulting your intelligence here (hope not!) - have you selected your team-IED-defuser, gone to his action menu (press 6) and selected 'defuse IED' from there? Works for me. Brilliant campaign, by the way - even an old duffer like me can enjoy some beautifully-put-together missions that are every bit as good as the original OFP stuff. Many thanks.
  7. Stan Dandyliver

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    Born July 1954, so you can work it out for yourselves :D(!). Just back to ArmA and associated subjects having taken a year off for exams (they never stop - sigh). Finally installed Arrowhead - which was bought when it first came out and has been sitting atop my PC goading me to finish my revision - and am now on Reinforcements. Give me a month or 2 and I might be close to the standard required for heading back to those good people in Zeus, if they'll let me.
  8. Stan Dandyliver

    Installed ACE , can't join ****

    Go easy on 'im, Escobar - he might be impatient but a lot of us started out ignorant of the ways of the Masters! If it hadn't been for the help I've had on this forum and from Zeus I would've given up long ago. It might just be that, once he's followed the tips given here, he'll see the light and never gaze upon a console ever again!
  9. Stan Dandyliver

    Troubleshooting TrackIR in ArmA 2 / OA

    No problems with TrackIR 5 and ArmA2 v1.05 here - all working as they did before the upgrade.
  10. Stan Dandyliver

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    I'll start by confessing that I've not read all 30 pages so far to see if this has been mentioned, but I thought you might be interested in this find: http://sites.google.com/site/samsimulator1972/home ...I never realised that Sa2e/S75M3 had a surface-surface mode programmed-in. Some other good notes on ECM and ECCM from a Warsaw Pact perspective - wish I'd been able to read all this 20+ years ago.