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About Pilcrow

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Occupation
    Technical Writer
  1. I would like the trucks to actually be worth killing. Imagine the impact of a destroyed or delayed convoy in real life? I just think it'd be neat to encourage players to take on unconventional roles. Like SF-like players who take their squads behind enemy lines to disrupt and delay enemy supply lines. Or combat MP-like players who take an active interest in convoy security and rear security. And again, if you guys haven't already, check out ClearRock's older CTI missions. That's what perfection looks like.
  2. Pilcrow

    AA is way too overpowered

    Depending on the AA, simply maintaining a high altitude isn't enough, Shifty. For example, IRL, the US lost a U2 to a Soviet AA battery in Cuba, and that aircraft has a service ceiling of 85,000+ ft (25,900+ m).
  3. Pilcrow

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    Just continue to improve the game's performance, please.
  4. Pilcrow

    Things I find weird in ARMA2 MP

    Dom also provides a persistent battlefield experience for players who enter after the planning phase. It gives them a chance to actually enter the battle, either thru airlift from one of the helicopter pilots, or by using the 'parachute to this point' option.
  5. Pilcrow

    A few questions

    Mavericks are target by using the Tab key to cycle through detected targets. It often helps if someone is lasing the target from the ground.
  6. It seems like everyone here wants to turn Warfare into an infantry-centric match, which isn't a bad idea, since ArmA is supposedly an infantry simulator. But have you ever watched the behavior of an AI commander in a ClearRock CTI/Warfare mission? That's what I want to emulate. The AI commander assigns each squad roles, so Alpha squad might be the heavy weapons squad, Bravo might be the transport squad, Charlie does rear security, and the others are plain Jane infantry squads.
  7. Pilcrow

    ETA for Steam 1.05?

    Ditto. I have Steam, and when I saw the 1.05 patch wasn't yet available, I updated on ArmAholic(sp?). I don't mind, because I love everything Ofp. But I can only imagine the frustrated Steam users who can't connect to any multiplayer matches.
  8. Pilcrow

    AA is way too overpowered

    Maybe you shouldn't counter AA with air, mate. :P After your first attempt, I would've tried inserting a SF team with AT or demo near the location.
  9. Pilcrow

    Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

    When using Windows 7 thru Boot Camp on a 2.26GHz MacBook Pro, I saw significant frame rate increases. Thanks BIS.
  10. Installation was a bit hairy, but you guys did a great job on ACE2. Keep it up!
  11. I'm at work right now and have yet to try it, but I'm curious: has anyone played 1.05's new multiplayer warfare mission When Diplomacy Fails? If so, impressions?