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10 Good

About blockarma

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. blockarma

    RH Aks pack 1.0

    Must. Be. In. ACE. These are absolutely beautiful.
  2. blockarma

    Happy New Year and Thank You BIS!

    Best of wishes for 2010 BIS! Thank you for this unbelievably brilliant game.
  3. blockarma


    True. These include, but are not limited to, tripwires, pressure sensors, and very rarely infrared sensors. So tripwires are quite within the bounds of realism.
  4. What about the FROGs? That would be just cool, if not a little bit out of place. :D
  5. blockarma

    Su-24 Fencer

    Oooooohhhhhh... This is nice. Really Nice.
  6. YYYYYEEEEESSSSS!!! Superb job, guys. The weapon pack is just amazing. And having a MGS based pack for ArmA is pure brilliance , too.
  7. blockarma

    Will there ever be a manual?

    I highly doubt it. The biggest problem is that the game is so bloody complex that the manual would be 300 pages long.
  8. 1. You should get about 60 FPS, which for this game is excellent. 2. The bugs are definitely there, but in six months BIS has come out with 5 different patches. They are making steady progress in fixing them, and doing a very good job. You have to consider how ambitious this game is. 3. The AI gets the job done, and the patches are continually making the AI better. Buy the game. You will not be disappointed.
  9. blockarma

    What GFX card for ARMA II?

    Definitely stick with nVidia. I've got the GTX 260 Core 216 (216 processing cores compared to 192). The 216 fills the gap between the GTX 275 and the 280. It hasn't let me down one bit yet. It will run ArmA II beautifully. Another plus: you can find the 216 for under $200 at most retailers. Just look around.
  10. blockarma

    Modelling doors with hinges

    gnat comes through once again...
  11. blockarma

    1.05 released

    WOOO HOOO!! Can't wait to get my hands on that Apache.
  12. Mod remove please.