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About bocoknight

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  1. bocoknight

    StarCraft Addon

    Ok ban me then sorry if I was looking to mod a game...... I wont post anymore then..... have a nice day.....
  2. bocoknight

    StarCraft Addon

    I was thinking of making a Starcraft addon to Arma II since Command and Conquer has been done. I would like to assemble a team. I need a programmer, sound programmer, animator, and various other positions. please pm me if interested. I will manage the online team and create the design doc for the addon.
  3. bocoknight

    Command and Conquer Addon

    I like that Idea.....I would want to do that or a starcraft mod... I just want to create a mod and I need a mod team so if anyone is interested pm me...
  4. bocoknight

    Command and Conquer Addon

    Hey that looked exactly the way I wanted though why give up on the project... I need to find a Team to work on something exactly like that but finish it...... ahahah I wonder though if it was FPS.... I see the RTS stuff... any who thanks for the vid I will look into forming a Mod team together to work on such an endeavour.... Let me know if you know anyone who is interested.... I also want to do a starcraft Mod as well later on though ahah :bounce3:
  5. Hey I was thinking of making a RTS component to the game and have it command and conquer 1 themed. Players can harvest tiberium build bases, infantry, all from the universe of C&C..... I like to know if this can be done and if anyone would be interested in making this happen. I have not modded a game really only warcraft 3 and I would like to learn. I can program in C++ so all I need help with is the syntacs and maybe some other things. Email me at bocoarmy@hotmail.com if you are interested in helping with this addon which would be a long process. On another note any ideas comments are welcomed just use courtesy and be polite.