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Everything posted by MrBob

  1. I am trying to use a overview.html to give my mission a description: <html> <head><title>Dawn Over Zargabad</title></head> <body> < p>A Delta Force team attempts to retrieve sensitive information from a downed helicopter before the militia can get to it.< /p> </body> </html> but this is ignored. Only the name (set in the INTEL section) appears on the list (i.e. not the filename); nothing appears in the right frame. What could be occuring here?
  2. Thanks, kylania. That worked. Neokika, what are you trying to tell me? I am aware that exists.
  3. I'm trying to make a mission where one of the side objectives is to rescue some pilots. Here's what I have in the pilot's init field: _rescue = this addAction ["Rescue","rescue.sqf",(this)]; and here's rescue.sqf: _p = [_this select 0]; _id = [_this select 2]; _p join player; _p removeaction _rescue; hint "debug: rescued pilot"; The pilot will join my group but the action is never removed and the debug test never displays. What is the problem here?
  4. When I remove the brackets, none of it works. He doesn't join my squad, the action isn't removed, and the debug text doesn't work. I'm really confused here.
  5. Do I put the top line in the init field or is it part of the script?
  6. I did that, and I still have the same problem.
  7. I purchased Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead separately, and after some installation problems, got them both installed on a external hard drive. I played both for a few days, and I haven't tried to go online yet. When I attempted to, however, I was told my CD key was disabled. How can I fix this? EDIT: While this is resolved, is it OK for me to play singleplayer or will FADE activate?
  8. MrBob

    ArmA II / OA Installation problems

    Would repeated failure to copy a certain file (in this case anims.pbo) mean disk corruption or drive failure/outdatedness?
  9. MrBob

    ArmA II / OA Installation problems

    It's a HP model, I can't find any Windows 7 firmware updates. And as to the download errors, my internet likes to cut out every so often, which led to missing chunks of data and corrupted files. It's not something that could really be fixed.
  10. MrBob

    ArmA II / OA Installation problems

    This is the highest number of installation errors I have ever seen. Currently I am copying all of the data from the disk to my HDD. This is the second time I have done this. Each time I attempt to install, it gets to a seemingly random file and tells me it's CRC does not match. I then copy the file back again from the disk. After 5 or so attempts like this, it tells me the patch .exe is corrupted. I copy that, the whole goddamned process restarts. Any help? I will fucking kill something if I have to get another disk. I actually purchased this the first time on July 1st on Sprocket, but I tried for THREE DAYS to get that working, to no effect. I got a return from their and purchased it on Amazon on the 5th or so. I have just received it, and I am fed up with this bullshit. I think it should be possible for me to expect the abilty to pop a disk into my computer, enter my CD code, wait a few minutes, and have the damn thing actually install. Is this a foreign concept to the publishers? My experiences would suggest so.
  11. If I downloaded some extra troops (in this case "Black Ops/Desert Mercenaries"), is there a simple way to get the ACM to recognize the factions and spawn them?
  12. Is there a way to change the chopper used by the SecOps transport request? I hate the UH1Y's smallish capacity of 7 (I like a team of 8 in my missions) and it just isn't as cool, IMO, as something like the MH60S. It's probably something simple, I just can't find any documentation.
  13. I'm trying to create a trigger that uses hints to give a (admittedly ghetto) briefing, since I'm not really ready to muck around with description.ext till the mission's done. So, I try to stagger the hints by using the "time" variable. This is the code in the "condition" box of the first trigger: this && time == 5 so that it fires 5 seconds after the mission starts. However, it doesn't fire at all. What is wrong with this?