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Valiant 1-4

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About Valiant 1-4

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    Private First Class
  1. Right, thats a bit better wording, yeah. Remember to let me know on skype for testing, keen! Update A unit running as the 1stMSOB (Marine Special Ops) has merged with our own and should be taking part, this is the sort of thing this is geared towards on a larger scale, units doing joint ops on this scale and every time. So to reitterate, any realism unit based groups out there, please get involved if this sounds good, maybe theres an air based or sea (unlikely as it might be) unit out there who can fill a role, engineers and logistics especially (i remember seeing one a while back). Also again, any questions to clarify any parts, please post up also.
  2. Im part of a new unit and we're doing your usual coop ops and mission making for ourselves. But ultimately have a goal to at somepoint run a multi-inter-unit sort of training server, but with an ongoing and gamesmaster controlled storyline, ill explain- Take an island like Sahrani, now put (hopefully) 40 or 50 players on the north and south island, both seperate 'countries' with a demi-political stalemate, in a living breathing island, like MSO offers. Now a couple of gamesmasters would moderate play, as a sort of way to prevent all out warfare from erupting as soon as possible, and guide the story as realistic events would unfold. Spec ops units would infiltrate each side, and gather intel or carry out demolitions etc depending on the mission. Real time patrols would maintain security of each side, airfields would operate and fly sorties to maintain airspace, and naval units would also patrol and carry out missions and pick ups, VIP in world characters, like leaders would move from town to town in convoys, supplys move from base to base, anything and everything imaginable within the rules of play. Each unit would be its own actual gaming unit already in existence, and work together with other friendly units, each one having its own specialisation, SF, mechanized, airforce, marines etc, and would maybe have to display a decent level of realism play and order to a degree so as they could simulate their speciality well, and fill their boots as it were. The new MSO PvP thats being worked on, and we should be playtesting is the mission of choice we hope as it should offer all of this with the option to save the mission state so it can be picked up again on the next gaming day. This just gives each unit a living breathing world with that single player feel in a largely populated multiplayer world, and if its just a unit training day, where they carry out a patrol etc, they can do it on this server with the real chance of coming accross lets say an enemy SF unit thats infiltrated their sector, thats the hope anyway, and i just wanted to gauge if there were any other units our there interested in getting involved when the time came and filling a role. Its a new idea and its still getting ironed out, as the PvP version of MSO isnt out yet, and there was talk of ArmA 3 being better suited to this idea, but meantime as i say id like to hear what people think and if theres any interest/questions. Cheers.
  3. Valiant 1-4

    Cliffs, abseiling and caves

    I dont think he meant climbing in the normal sense, abseiling is just walking up/down a wall with a rope attached. Im not sure how many cliffs we'll see in A3, but seeing as every building is enterable then a bit of rainbow sixing it down a wall to see in a window would be cool, even just a grappling hook to descend or climb walls/onto roofs.
  4. http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=news&id=5103
  5. Valiant 1-4

    Warfare/CTI + Role play= Nice!

    Well i think a version of his idea could involve less scripts if anything, if a games master oversaw the play and it wasnt strictly classic warfare gameplay and more RPG as he mentions. Id definitely say for ArmA 3 though, its improvements on A2 would no doubt be vital.
  6. Valiant 1-4

    Warfare/CTI + Role play= Nice!

    The Aus ArmA guys are working on something very like this at the moment, luckily i managed to get directed to them before my thread was closed for some reason on armaholic. That just happens on there though i guess, part of the charm? Am now hoping to get involved and help them myself, if your interested in more PM me.
  7. Yeah he said hopefully more, im just using generouse numbers. There's probably a better word, im just gauging on the norm of what you see out there, or will in the near future server/affordable server wise. Not traditionaly? Most...if not every other proper MMO deal in the thousands, thats how they get the player numbers to make it work in a pick up - put down and go to sleep - wake up and play again way, if you just have a few hundered in a game thats not been created for it, i figure there would only be problems with optimisation and having enough people on to have a proper oposition. Thats why MMO's have downgraded graphics alot of the time too, as far as optimising graphicaly goes. -edit- But to go slightly off topic *gasp* but in the interests of being helpful ill tack on that i can see an expanded City/Lemnos Life orientated game coming out of this. Now maybe you could buy an actual building and call it your own on that server forinstance, especialy with having every building enterable and the greater size of the island also taking into account scripting like MSO has in the works.
  8. No attitude from here, dont have the energy. ArmA 3 isnt going to be an MMO. But i did mention an engine more suited or related to his idea, but it wouldnt be ArmA 3, its relevant to his idea and tacked on to try and be helpful, but i admit it may not meet the banal "100% on topic content only" ive seen enforced. ArmA 3 could (at a guess) lets say double what Arrowhead could for stable playercount or if more not by much, thats not enough to run a proper MMO consistently, maybe a modified and expanded City Life??
  9. Demonized In regards to loading other parts of a map and such, theres an engine coming out that can do the whole world and other planets "Orbiter" style already. Check youtube too searching Outerra to see the alpha detail. But most must of heard of Outerra by now though on a forum like this. http://outerra.com/wfeatures.html If it followed the World War II Online ethos and maybe developed its own way of playing, perhaps mineing and setting up a base to mine and defend for as long as you dare, generating your own allies and enemies. or even play style, like being let loose in editor with thousands of other players scattered all over a country sized map, as Outerra has that capability and far more. Perhaps trying to develop other parts of warfare besides strictly attack and battle units. Perhaps each person base could create radio "noise" the bigger it got the stronger its signiature was to pick up by electronic warfare planes or search and jamming planes/units. You pick your role as a base builder and miner, or an attack force, or attack force for hire (PMC) maybe base hunter, the list goes on. Think of it as a giant game of Warfare as a starter point then develop it to fit the scale. With all that space problems are created but it also gets rid of alot of others. Theres no quieting naysayers till its fleshed out and done by a developer, but with this Outerra engine coming out being the first sign of an evolution of the idea, plus the fact WW2 OL and Planetside are merely the first of their kind and do work, why a normal evolution using perhaps Outerra couldnt or shouldnt be followed is ass-talk and typical pre/teenage close minded forum trollage.
  10. It would help communication on pub servers for sure. Instead of trying to get your commanders attention, just request a cam linkup and he'll see your laser marker pointed right at the enemy MHQ.
  11. Valiant 1-4

    arma 3 warfare

    Is anyone else in favour of only allowing one uproot and relocation of an MHQ? Especialy now that the island is surely big enough to hide in.
  12. I fear it might be a more single player tool unfortunately. As we hear, the subs may not be driveable without mods, so it gives a hint as to really how much further will the naval game actually advance for A3? Have to wait "tm" I think of game modes like Warfare and i imagine waterbourne optional targets and things like that for this great addition though.
  13. Valiant 1-4

    Stealth Kills?

    Another aspect to a "stealth kill" in a general sense, is movement. When you see an enemy in game, if their cammo is in full blend and consistency to their environment, is it because you caught his shape and colour differance due to perceptiveness? Maybe sometimes, but the rest of the time it was because he was moving, your eye responds to movement first, thats bushcraft 101. Which brings me to my hope for stealth kills. Movement speed, especialy when crawling. It would be nice to have a "5% - 10% - 30% - 50% - Normal" ratio as to how fast you move when walking or crawling, dont you think? Maybe even simpler, just a toggle button for moving ultra slow.
  14. Optimisation is indeed key, im tired of having to spend so much doe in upgrading, like moreso than usual, and when i do even then not getting full performance. A2 was a total hog, but i dont blame trees, i love forest settings. Takistans desert was a bit bland and felt like a cop out. But yes the hills and angle were still great.