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About KilKenny

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  1. I'm also one of those who find the mid-range textures to be blurry (same issue since ARMA1). After searching, I still haven't found this issue raised in the Arma3 Alpha feedback tracker. Does anybody have a link ? I say, this is not only a graphics issue, this is also a gameplay issue. It is significant in terms of gameplay, because most of the engagements are at range : 100-600m. And at this range we see only blurry textures and few vegetation. Humans "stick out" on the background, even if they wear camouflage. BIS has adressed this issue by merging the distant humans into the ground, but it is just a workaround, because staying prone at distance means you are invisible to human players even if they have scoped weapons. Why not render grass (and maybe all objects) around the target when using magnified optics (in vehicles and infantry weapons). That would at least solve part of the gameplay problem. Edit : this last point is adressed here http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3954
  2. Found the chart for the french army : So it goes from about 1,000,000 in 1960 to roughly 600,000 in 1970, due mostly i guess to the end of the decolonization wars. The arrow at the end shows the strenght of reserve forces. Source : http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/rfsoc_0035-2969_1981_num_22_1_3390#
  3. Hi, I've found a Wikipedia article (in french) stating that the french army had more than 400 000 men in Algeria in the early 60s during the independance war, and that it represented about one third of its global personnel at the time, so it suggests the global number should be around 1,200,000 men in 1960. Source : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histoire_militaire_de_la_France That includes conscripts of course, but not the locals who fought as auxiliaries in the colonies, and they were between 236,000 and 400,000 men according to that same article.
  4. KilKenny

    Royal navy buys Hornets not JSF...

    That is interesting, thank you... I'd thought the buying cost to be equivalent or just slightly higher than the Hornet, and as the Rafale is now an old design, the research and tooling cost should be covered by now for Dassault, even though the french army & navy bought much less planes than initially expected (on a side note, Dassault's claim at the time, that the Rafale's development was only on the comany's funds was quite comical). After researching a bit, there actually seems to have been discussions in 2010 on this purchase between the British and french governments. Would it be that the brits got such a bad deal ? I'm puzzled. Dassault and the french government have all interests in giving the best conditions in this deal. If i recall correctly, the Brazilians had obtained, in their aborted deal, all the technology transfer they wanted, and even their own production line. So i doubt the UK could get worst conditions (on the other side it's a much smaller deal). And the UK dont need all the technology transfers the Brazilians did... The weapons & comms system upgrades are very probably a big part of the problem, so is the maintenance cost. On the other hand, the french navy has 20+ planes only, so that puts the development costs per unit off the roof... it would be a great occasion for them to mutualize the development of their future versions. The delay is another problem, 2018 seems huge if the ships are to enter service in 2013... Or maybe the french navy finally decided it was payback time for Merz-el Kebir after all... ;) (i can assure you they ARE still quite resentful...)
  5. KilKenny

    Royal navy buys Hornets not JSF...

    F-35B, silent Hornet and now... the navalized Typhoon. Oh my. The ability with which the US&UK defense industry has managed to sell, not one, not two, but THREE different vaporwares to British governments, is staggering. How much has the British taxpayer already spent on these vaporwares over those past years ? And what do you have so far ? Nothing... How is it that everybody on this island seems to have his eyes riveted across the Atlantic, when proven solutions already exist less than 50 miles off their coasts ? Make the future british and french carriers sister-ships. Put Marine Rafales on them (there might even be enough money to develop the navalized two-seater version). And let's start builing a european defence industry together. But i'm fearing most Royal Navy senior officials would rather rot in hell than buy french gear. Really it is amazing how thousand-years old atavisms can still ruin some pretty smart peoples' reasoning. Which is not the case for some RAF pilots : http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2009/11/09/334383/flight-test-dassault-rafale-rampant-rafale.html I'm not saying it's the best plane ever, but IT DOES EXIST, in this navy version... and is available for quick production and partnership. Has this option been seriously considered, ever ?
  6. Yesterday evening on a german public server was one of the worst warfare game ever... Here's the story of an epic failure. I think it belongs here, as it's IMO one of the best examples I’ve seen of what NOT TO DO if you're commanding in Warfare. Here it is. As a player, i joined in-game OPFOR who owned nearly the eastern half of the map. There was 10-12 players on each side. So at first everything looked fine. So here I go, first spawn at HQ and buy gear. Surprise ! Gear was not upgraded so only RPG7s. No gear, but we already have air factory ? Ooooooookay... Light factory and arty was upgraded, but still no AT infantry nor decent AT like Metis. No T90s either. Hum. Then I looked at our bases. We had only one of each building, scattered all around the map. - HQ, Air and Barracks near Tulga (extreme south east of map) - Light and Heavy factory built at the top of the highest hill in the Black Forest (north east of Guglovo).... which is, as its name implies.... a forest :) - Lonely Comm center built at random in north east. Well why not. I usually like to get me an UAZ, pack it with AT ammo (RPG/Metis) and go take cities. So I order my UAZ DshKm, and respawn at Light factory to get delivery. And then I spawn in… the biggest chaos I’ve ever seen in-game… In the forest, on top of the steep hill, there was at least 10 vehicles manned by AI trying to escape between trees, crumbled trees everywhere that blocked the view, empty and destroyed vehicles exploding and blocking the way for those who spawned… AI infantry just sitting there, being crushed by the vehicles… some Ais were spawing there, as it was the nearest to the front line. My UAZ expedition was not possible, as I had no AT except RPG, and no easyway to have AI with RPGs (as Barracks was 5 kilometers away from light factory...). So, as west was attacking Kamyshovo, I went to defend. The time it took to get there, it had been retaken by another player… okay. Then the Comm upgraded armor, so I ordered two T90s. The first one I got in, dodging all the crazy vehicles and tanks trapped near factory… I had to ram some trucks to clear the way (explosions), then shot the ones that were blocking (more explosions), then I hit the road to the nearest city to fight. Mildly Annoyed. My second T90 spawned… and stayed on the hill top. Sh*t. Had to go back. It had spawned upside down. Get the crew out, tried to get in to flip it but couldn’t. Tried to ram it. No way. Disbanded the AI crew now useless and decided to go fight on my own. 5k gone. But was beginning to get seriously p*ssed off. As I asked comm about the silly base place, he said the previous comm had built it. Ok. I was the first to ask something, after nearly a half hour ingame. Noone was chatting in game, not even comm… So here we go to take Stary and mogilevka with other players… but Comm didn’t give objectives, so everyone went his own way. My T90S gets destroyed, I keep attcking on foot and I see… the commander arriving in a T90. The HQ was abandoned near air factory in a clearing near Tulga by comm who went west taking cities. And then something bad happened : after taking Elektro, West took Kamyshovo, getting very close to our HQ. But instead of respawing and move the HQ, Comm kept going in his T90, and started to give orders to the only human player who was near HQ… to take back Kamyshovo. No one was defending the HQ… So comm was insulting the guy. Who was on foot with his squad, with (still) no decent AT as the upgrades weren’t done. As a player had just changed side, there was a big chance West knew now where was our HQ… After a chat with comm, Comm said he didn’t want to be comm anyway. So I asked to become Comm, we voted (2 times) and I finally got elected. And then , five seconds after the election, I saw “HELIPAD DESTROYEDâ€â€¦ I respawned immediately at HQ, but before I got there I saw “HQ DESTROYED†and spawned in front of two big M1s. I only had time time to fire one RPG round before getting crushed. Then Ex-Comm and a player started flaming each other, like “you suck at comm, youre a noob, always on pussy servers (!), I ve never seen you on serious ACE servers, my squad will crush yours anyday…etc etc†:) Then some guy from OPFOR started taking out our remaining buildings with RPG... so we couldn’t even build repair truck to go salvage HQ… and this whole mess finally ended. Lord. So heres my 8 golden rules, if you want to be a really crappy commander in Warfare :) 1 - become Comm even when you don’t want to be 2 - Don’t talk to your players. 3 - make advanced upgrades before basic ones. 4 - Only build one of each building, and make them reaaaaally far away from each other, like five kilometers, and as far as possible from the front line so that no one can call reinforcements. 5 - Build Heavy and light factory in a forest, and if possible on a very remote mountain top :) 7 - Abandon your HQ behind and don’t move it, even when a player has changed sides. 8 - Don’t even come back when two badass M1s are seen approaching right on you… If it’s true you learn more from bad experience than good ones, then I’ve learned a lot yesterday :)
  7. Basics in base concealment : now that sounds fun ! Would you share any tips ? I'm wondering if its possible to build off map limits... not very fairplay though... it's more exploit than tactics in my opinion...
  8. Hi all, I'm not a very experienced commmander, just curious : do you think it is better to spread the builldings within the HQ's limited radius when deployed, or do you mobilize the HQ every time you build a new building, so you can spread everything at least 100m apart ? the second solution solution sure sounds more secure, but is a real pain to do in game. The initial placement near one or two 120 pts towns is not a good idea in my opinion. It mostly depends whether you have enough money and points to start upgrading while players and AIs take the first towns. If not, its better to take any town, the smaller the better, as the small ones have less Resistance in them. I also disagree with the mountain-top placement for base. If enemy has arty and half-decent recon, you'll get wiped out quickly... In the first stages of the game, my strategy so far : in most cases I prefer to build the base asap in nearest cover, and run for nearest towns to quickly get resources. Then after a while I make a second backup base far from the first, nearer to front line, and then move the MHQ in a calm area not too far from the center of the front line, and move it while the front line advances. In as second phase, when the front line stabilizes on contact with enemy, i build a few buildings (barracks, light and heavy factory) near the front line in a calm area so players can reinforce easily. In all the losing games i've been in, the nearest base was too far away to send efficient reinforcements. In my opinion building bases on sea shore is near suicidal (except for air... and i love your idea of using shore road for landing strip, swiss/swedish AF style :) ) , its really better to build in hilly/forest area for cover, but with quick access to flat land for fast rolling of tanks. Crossing the map through mountainous areas in tanks takes hours for AI... For you, whats the role of the commander besides moving the MHQ and making bases ? whats typically in his squad ? does he own arty, put men in static defences, build AA squad ? Thanks kilKenny.