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Everything posted by JesterOC

  1. JesterOC

    triggered forceEnd issue

    I figured it out. It I never read that you can only have 1 Trigger for each end type. I already had an End1 trigger, so when I changed it to End2, it all works now. Thanks BangaBob for your help.
  2. I am trying to trigger a forceEnd in a multiplayer mission and it is just ignoring me. I started with code I found online that checks if all players are dead and if so, end the mission with a forceEnd. If not for the trigger the players will respawn after the delay (respawn="INSTANT"; respawnDelay = 20;) so I tried this code Trigger Zero axis sizes Set trigger type to End #1 Condition: allPlayersAreDead = true; if( !isNull p1 && alive p1 ) then { allPlayersAreDead= false}; if( !isNull p2 && alive p2 ) then { allPlayersAreDead= false}; allPlayersAreDead; OnAct: forceEnd That did not work so I went simpler expecting it to start and then end the mission immediately. Trigger Zero axis sizes Set trigger to End #1 Condition: allPlayersAreDead = true; allPlayersAreDead OnAct: forceEnd Still no worky Then I just tried Trigger Zero axis sizes Set trigger to End #1 Condition: true OnAct: forceEnd Nothing. Any suggestions? Everything I found on this forum says this should work. THough one person said they had this issue and fixed it by reinstalling the game. I did not try that yet. :(
  3. Hello all, I am begining to create some simple missions for friends and on my machine I have been able to add a description.ext file and it works for me when I test it. However when I push it to the workshop (to friends only) the description.ext does not appear to transfer. When another machine hosts the game, there is no respawning. Also I noticed that when a client fulfilled the end game trigger, the mission only ended on his machine, the host and another client were still walking around. Is there a special setting I need to use to make sure it works the same on other machines as it does on mine. Thanks Nevermind the red section. when I saved the mission under a new name I assumed the description.ext would be copied also. It is not.
  4. I am having trouble understanding why the units under my command seem to not do as I say at times. For instance if I direct them to enter a vehicle and some will and some won't (Sometimes saying "Negative"). Other times, when playing with a friend, The AI and another human are in a vehicle, and I command them to drive somewhere, I the driver does not move the vehicle. However the other human passenger can command the driver, even though he has not command bar (faces at bottom of screen). I just can't seem to predict why the AI is acting like this. Is there resource that can explain the quirks of this system? (I have looked). Marc
  5. I'll give the one at a time order a try. I think I did run into that lack of eject option, but thought I just did not know where it was. The player I was with was still online so that is not it. Thanks for the help guys I will try them out tonight (as well as any other tips that might show up here before tonight). JesterOC
  6. So are their any tricks of the trade to deal with AI control issues like I have stated. When walking around and shooting with them, they seem pretty smart, it is just the "lets all get into the vehicle and drive to a location" stuff that seems to be haunting me. Yet it does not seem to be effecting others. I am wondering if it is an issue of timing, like get humans into the vehicle first then load the AI's (or the other way around). Thanks, JesterOC p.s. I will check out the links in your sig, I have not read them yet, but they look quite cool
  7. JesterOC

    1.5 Hot fix

    http://www.worthdownloading.com/download.php?gid=3795&id=20965 It says it fixes mission ending and vehicle entering issues. No AI fixes?
  8. JesterOC

    1.05 Benchmark Mission Results

    Yeah sorry, when I read it I thought you had said that in either mode it was pegged to 30 which could indicate Vsync. When I read read it you said around 30 so... not so much. Sorry I did not have much better for you.
  9. JesterOC

    1.05 Benchmark Mission Results

    Do you have vsync on? That sounds like the problem.
  10. JesterOC

    1.05 Benchmark Mission Results

    In the demo I saw and used a benchmark mission, but I don't see on in the retail game. Can someone fill me in on how to test? Thanks, JesterOC
  11. Hey guys I am planning on buying the game, but I want to know if their are any limitations with the Steam version? Could you please click on the suggestion on which version to get? Thanks, JesterOC
  12. Yesterday I was hosting a non-dedicated server for one friend over the internet. We where playing the demo (via steam) and we had several glitches. One dealt with an AI that was visible to my friend but not to me. Apparently it was a mostly dead AI unit that was still standing. When he shot it, the bullet hit effect appeared on my computer in mid air. When I shot at the same location, it passed through it. Another was a bunker that he saw as having an American flag, why I saw the op force flag. I was wondering if this is just a demo issue, or if the final game also runs into these problems. Thanks, JesterOC
  13. JesterOC

    Demo vs Patched game

    I was not sure if the demo was patched also. Good to know. My copy should arrive any day now, so I will be able to get the low down soon. Thanks to you all JesterOC
  14. JesterOC

    [GUIDE] AI Squad Command

    Thanks for the tutorial! I will study the videos tonight. Is it possible to create a multi-player mission like the one you had in the video using the demo? I know how I would do some of it with the single player editor, but the multiplayer aspect seems a bit limited. JesterOC
  15. JesterOC

    Quick Poll: Steam or DVD?

    I decided to go DVD (although I think I would have liked the ease of use with Steam.. no DVD etc. ) but I had two issues. 1) I want it cheap. 2) I want it now. Although Steam would be fastest, I don't want to wait for a random sale, so I went with GoGamer for 30% off. Thanks for all of your input. See you online in a few days (hopefully). JesterOC
  16. Hey there, I am playing the demo and loving it so far, but a friend of mine who I want to play with is not so sure. He likes simple player vs AI missions like Blow up the fuel depot, or kill everyone in the town. I can't seem to figure out if the demo can do that. I got a bit confused with the My Last Map mission, it looked like a lot of opposition, and editing it only seemed to add units that you can't control (you also can't change your load out). Anyone know how to create a simple man mission using the demo? Thanks. JesterOC