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Everything posted by Figen

  1. Figen

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    Well, what do you think a real ZED would do? They wouldnt have the perception to tell when a battle is against their favour, and they wouldnt run away from food. I would personally choose to do it like this: IF (time since last killed ZED ≥ 1 minute) AND (number of zeds ≤ 3) THEN (move ZEDs to nearest infected town) Possibly adding a check to see if the ZED is in view of the player on either end of the teleportation, so you dont get them popping up out of nowhere
  2. Figen

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    Great work charon. The new video shows how far you've been able to take the ArmA II Engine, to places we thought not possible ^.^ Quick question, I know you answered this on page 30 or something but I cant find it. Do the ZEDs first spawn at a pre-determined location, or is that something the mission developer decides? I was thinking of starting my own mission, and getting it done and ready before release.
  3. Figen

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    That question has allready been answered by Charon, read back a couple of pages. In short, no clue.... Understandably he doesnt have the time to make the undead mod work with every other mod out there.
  4. Figen

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    I know you said before that having options to set some variables to true or false would be alot of work, but is it possible to toggle friendly fire? Could this be left up to the mission developer to decide? Just that I see some scenarios where shooting infected AI teammates may be easier, and better before they transform rather than later. edit: nevermind, didnt see this "...is the possibility (Toggle) to make the player immune..."
  5. Figen

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    What I never understood is why there are so few zombie titles, and no large scale zombie games at all (left 4 dead doesnt count, I mean free roam zombie games). Brilliant work Charon, brilliant
  6. Figen

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    Just like to say great work on the mod. After watching your youtube videos, I would have to say the zombies look and act significantly better than the Yomies or CZM zombies :) Im sure that we would all like to know how far to "completion" you are with the mod, and if the time was right to hear any sort of estimate on a release? Thanks for the hard work man, cant wait