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About DDeT

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  1. DDeT

    Editor Basics

    I just know this is gonna be fun! If only... . Is there a guide for using the in-game editor? I can't seem to do anything other than put units on the map. I preview and I can't get my choppers to start on land, can't get my user/player squad leader to change the direction he is going in, can't get the choppers to wait for us, can't get any of the squads on the choppers... . Just want to load a platoon (of course, I don't know how to form a platoon, but I am sure when I figure out how to make my own groups, so I can make an official US Army TOE infantry squad I will be able to make that work) on choppers and have them land on an island and rush out and form a perimeter. I thought that would be a good start, but I was wrong. Any and all appreciated. I just know this will be fun. The game looks awesome, but I want to be able to set up my own tactical exercises.