In my opinion Maddox should have taken the yes responses as "0" and no responses as "1". Just because the quiz starts with a question (Are 'binary' one and zero interpreted as yes and no?) and it shouldn't follow the 0,1 normal pattern. If this happens the numbers stay in
if you divide them in pairs of three it stays
010 300 501 021 000 010 300
here you've got a kind of pattern... i don't know what it means but if you convert these numbers from senary to decimal as it was sugested it stays like this.
6 108 181 13 0 6 108
I dont know if this is good but could be another path to follow.
They must be working on it. Don't worry. There are plenty of posts on Steam and Bohemia forums about this issue. They all know we are refreshing the steam page constantly. By the way, Dwarden is offline, so i'm pretty sure he's working on this.