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About USMC_Snipa

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. USMC_Snipa

    How to Para drop Opfor

    Hello all, finally back after a long hiatus xD The overall script goes something like this- sorry I can't be of more help! this setpos [i forget the rest] this flyinheight this exec "HALO jump script here" play around with that a little and see if you can make it work
  2. USMC_Snipa

    RHIB stuck?

    Lol, I wondered why my soldier was walking at the bottom of the water during testing ;P
  3. USMC_Snipa

    RHIB stuck?

    Thats a shame, I had a mission all set up that was based on using boats to attack the dam and blow it up. I'm gonna try the CRRC and see if it will move but perhaps the dam just isn't counted as water for some reason. Thanks for your help, guess I'll have to try the CRRC :)
  4. USMC_Snipa

    RHIB stuck?

    Mine is located on the dam in Chernarus. It basically starts out in the water with a raiding party of marines and has a get out waypoint on the edge of the dam BTW nice vids, is that your own mission?
  5. I searched around for this but it seems noone else is having this trouble. The RHIBs seem unable to move, I have them set up just like any other vehicle. I hear the order being given out over radio but nothing ever happens, it just sits there. Thanks in advance
  6. You could create a trigger so that for example.. if all units are gone from area 1 then other units will be called in. Sync the trigger to a waypoint that will have the units move there
  7. To check for damage you can use getdammage object > number - where object is the item being damaged and number is the value for the damage from 0 to 1 I'll have a look at the rest of it later and post a script for you.
  8. Looks good, I'll give that a try. Glad to see I got the setdamage part right ;P
  9. I heard you can get dogs to join a group and move, but I don't think you can have them attack anything as they most likely do not have anims for it. Perhaps you could simulate an attack by using setdamage on a soldier
  10. USMC_Snipa

    Support units?

    I tried that, a support request never comes even with units injured. I tried using the injured option in the menu myself but no amount of shouting will make them come to me.
  11. Hey there all, I have been looking to implement some support units into a mission, for example some Medics and an ambulance but I have been unable to get it all working smoothly. Can someone explain how to set up an Ambulance that will come help the player when he is down? Thank you
  12. I tried zooming in close to get an exact placement with no luck. I'm wondering if it could be anything to do with the area surrounding Bor and Windy Mountain, perhaps an undiscovered bug there? The map is quite big so I'm sure every single part hasn't been tested for bugs. I appreciate your help, don't worry about earlier either no offense taken xD
  13. Hover your mouse over the thread title. All the info you could possibly want in a second. This 'rule' is also based on what you consider vague, that is why rules like this are not added because they are not fact based. Besides, I couldn't think of anything anyway and that was just the first thing that came into my head. Onto your suggestion- That was the first thing I tried by making them individual and setting it to 'none' but they are still off. I recently had a heli spawn ontop of a tree when it was placed in the middle of a road xD
  14. I'll do that, thanks I haven't uploaded it anywhere yet but it is basically a large scale battle for Windy Mountain. There are quite a few troops that have random placement to make it a bit more interesting but some of them, such as snipers need to be placed in a set location. I could upload it if you want??
  15. I think if you set the speed to limited it will be more accurate. Give it a try and let me know