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Everything posted by Reimann

  1. McArcher, I think you're biggest problem has been confusing 'server' with 'all clients'. That's the impression I've been getting, anyway. Running local commands on server will not show for anyone. For connecting players, use onPlayerConnected and refresh local commands (keep them in a handy script). When using variables, make sure to broadcast the change with publicVariable "myVar". So when myVar changes, run publicVariable "myVar" to make public what the variable has become. So if you make a vehicle (global), you do it on server. But if you name it you have to make it public (publicVariable "varName"). It gets confusing when some scripts work without making it public but others don't, so can throw off your searching for the answer. But this isn't much to do with CptBBQ's locality issues. It may well help someone though, as the biki and most help is geared toward SP or non-JIP co-op. And as McArcher mentioned me in relation to that script, I must reference mikey, in whose breifing I first saw it. It is in hundreds of missions now, but I didn't write it myself.
  2. Reimann

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    Yeah. That's why I mentioned it. I do use Yoma, but while it tells you what mods the server is running, it doesn't say what is signed for. I like to use an english mod for my german version for example, but the server wouldn't nned that, though it may allow it. Same for audio mods. Anyway, this is patch suggestions, not third party browser suggestions, so I put it in.
  3. Reimann

    Things I find weird in ARMA2 MP

    Thing is, people like myself will first experience clans as the people on your team that treat you like you're half a step down from Opfor. They're the pilots in missions where only certain classes can fly, leaving you stranded at base as they take off in the 'copter. They're the guys stepping on you when you're wounded, and running on past. And they're the guys abusing you when you take gunner in a vehicle because only one man is supposed to crew a tank. And generally treating anyone without the same clan tags as them as not-quite-human. And when you visit their sites, they're either locked out to non-members or you read things like 'nub pubbers can't play' and it's beyond me how anyone that isn't a sadistic dick or a complete masochist could find out what clans are worth joining. Maybe it's different in Europe - I see there is a huge audience for any game there - but I can only ping to Asia and America and only speak English...
  4. Call it from a 'killed' event handler, rather than a trigger: if ( isNil{player getVariable "mk_killedEHadded"} ) then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { [] spawn { waitUntil { alive player }; execVM "script.sqf"; }; }]; player setVariable ["mk_killedEHadded", true]; };
  5. Reimann

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    The disabling of mods, rather than disconnecting from server, guessing new mods, and re-starting. And showing both used and allowed mods in server browser.
  6. Reimann


    Any chance of using a better upload site? rapidshare and megaupload are terrible. Take a look at filesmelt.
  7. Reimann

    ACE CO44 Op. Crystal Breach v1.0

    Does this use an Aus army add-on, or is it still marine cam and weapons and so on?
  8. Reimann

    [TvT48]Little Things

    Yeah, the cache is the first objective. It should be in the briefing. Maybe I should lay out some satchels at the start? It would be nice if someone took a class that corresponded with the mission, though. I'd planned that, if people actually like the game. As well as secondary objectives - like avoiding collateral damage and civilian deaths - with consequences for the side that ignored them. Also an opportunity once the game gets nearer the end for the enemy to push back and win by re-capturing a point (first objective is destroy, second kill a commander, last three are capture points). Only if people are interested, though. Must also convince the marine AI to not turn and dive into the ocean in the opening moments of the game.
  9. Apparently not. (Though I haven't set up a scenario to test things myself.)
  10. Hmm.. one unit of several in a particular plane, but not those of the same group on the ground... how about _unit = assignedCargo herc1; if (_x == group player) then { _x action ["EJECT", herc1]; } forEach _unit; Though 'group player' is probably wrong.
  11. What's wrong with a {yourCrapHere;} foreach crew herc1; ? And this.
  12. Just use if ( isNil{player getVariable "mk_killedEHadded"} ) then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { [] spawn { waitUntil { alive player }; execVM "script.sqf"; }; }]; player setVariable ["mk_killedEHadded", true]; };
  13. Reimann

    Trigger a flare

    You're using .sqs syntax to call that script - for .sqf, use execVM[] "script.sqf" I've re-written the code a bit to make it easier on the eye, and hopefully easier to understand. I just re-packed it in to JW's mission, but here's the guts of it while {flare} do { _posX = (getPos Trigger1 select 0) + (random 300) - (random 300); _posY = (getPos Trigger1 select 1) + (random 300) - (random 300); _posZ = 100 + (random 150); _flarecolour = [("F_40mm_red"),("F_40mm_white"),("F_40mm_green"),("F_40mm_yellow")]; flare1 = (_flarecolour select floor(random(count _flarecolour))) createVehicle [_PosX, _PosY, _PosZ]; sleep random 5; }; I suppose an isServer check is called for, but I forgot. The select part is selecting from the array, rounding down the number (or should I have rounded up (ceil)?), and counting the number of items in the array. FlareAlarm.utes_.rar
  14. Actually, this would only work when I respawned as host. It just drops me out without a parachute on a dedi server. Anyone know what the problem is? ARGH! It was an error in the BIS script! So much wasted time thinking it was something I'd done.
  15. How would I have units perform the jump only after the aircraft enters a trigger? That is, unknown, respawned, multi-player units. I do have the aircraft varName if it helps. 'Player' affects all units (players already on the ground suddenly fall to their death), but everything I've tried to make it only the units in the triggerlist or aircraft returns "error undefined variable in expression: _halounit", or 'typed array, expected [anything else]', or breaks in some way or other... Ed: Nevermind - I was able to get it through yet another dirty script. I suppose it doesn't really matter how it comes about in the end... _unit = assignedCargo c130; {[_x,1000] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs";} foreach _unit;
  16. Wow, I had a single bracket (brace) in just the wrong spot at one point. Thank you very much.
  17. I have a trigger to delete all vehicles that enter it, but it does not work on the crew. I have another where I know the vehicle's name and can delete all crew there, but using foreach crew thislist gives the error 'type array, expected object'. So, foreach crew varname: works fine foreach thislist: deletes vehicle but not crew foreach crew thislist: gives error, does nothing