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Posts posted by minimalaco

  1. Hey Robster,

    think i could make a request? that being with some of the new viliages you're adding could you make them small remote viliages, essentaly build onto the side of a hill that are hard to acess by vehical and would take a while by foot and somewhat denseish in foilage to make landing in helo's just that little bit harder? i always seem to find my self looking at those hills and wishing there was a... 'realistic' viliage that would be hard to reach.

    Thanks anyway, oh and thanks for the update. :)

    Yes, in the next release, more villages in main valley and mountains

  2. Clafghan Beta Version 1.1

    Just a minor update before our Alpha release:


    - Grid system


    - Medical tent at Camp Branca, so mission makers can setup their own


    - Airport taxiways by Bushlurker

    - SILVIE & ALICE (expansion)

    - OA Mountain Horizon & Overcast

    - Scene Intro by Tupolov

    Only Clafghan pbo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61945206/clafghan.beta.1.1.7z
