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Everything posted by minimalaco

  1. Thanks SavageCDN ! About MSO, i dont know :s @Wolf5 Yes, in the next update.
  2. oh yes, the hesco walls will be fixed soon. About wheat fields, i will talk whit aussnipe.... but no promises. I've played in sangin alot of coops, where wheats are everywhere ... was not bad experience.... and as I said earlier, I have no intentions on working on "robots-related" problems. Saludos!
  3. minimalaco

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    Very nice units, love it! in fata looks awesome :p http://i42.tinypic.com/28cf5gj.jpg
  4. @SavageCDN good to know that works in fata. about convoys, yes, especially in the serpent road :p @LAxemann impossible, those files were forgotten somewhere in the forum of PR .... sorry. @Grillob3 Too easy, but you need V3 and the project island on your P: drive Mikero tool's does the job, but it is illegal and you need permission from the creator of the map.
  5. Yes i know :p : Set your shadow to medium or high and the problem disappears. the object with problems is a BIS farm.
  6. minimalaco

    Poll - Rather Modern or Futuristic?

    Modern of course!
  7. minimalaco

    Development Blog & Reveals

    You wrong...
  8. https://mega.co.nz/#!Q18Bwagb!Ub1WRTerNSOSqiL5j9bNSSiUPdsjGlomrSHSMuadQS4
  9. basically creates random tunnels systems, but the necessary files are not in the package.
  10. https://maps.google.cl/maps?q=Dosali,+%C3%81reas+Tribales+(administraci%C3%B3n+federal),+Pakist%C3%A1n&hl=es-419&ie=UTF8&ll=32.810722,69.976645&spn=0.061533,0.132093&sll=-29.844216,-71.012753&sspn=1.016063,2.113495&oq=dosal&t=h&hnear=Dosali,+North+Waziristan+Agency,+Federally+Administered+Tribal+Areas,+Pakist%C3%A1n&z=14
  11. Caves: 057-042 055-047 059-046 064-053 066-043 the big one Fata without PONDS: https://mega.co.nz/#!Q18Bwagb!Ub1WRTerNSOSqiL5j9bNSSiUPdsjGlomrSHSMuadQS4
  12. @Bad Benson Yes, i will upload the fata.pbo without ponds now @Flax_ hahahahah xd
  13. I had not seen that missing road, thanks! About the tower/bunker I forgot to fix it :p
  14. minimalaco

    Grand Theft Auto V

    Can't wait for this game!
  15. Thanks guys, the only remaining task is the work on the river. like this: maybe in the future ... :p
  16. Oh! If some moderator can move the topic to their correct place, thanks :p
  17. Made by Minimalaco and Robster. 10x10 km Map, Based in Tribal Areas, Pakistán. Explore the map by yourself, have a lot to find (especially the caves), has a lot of natural cover and some interesting places for firefights around the river bed. Known issues: - Originally the map was created for combat PVP, So the AI and some BIS modules like Civilians or similar may not work fine, no intention of working in these areas. - if you play the map at high viewing distance +4000. you can get low fps, all depends on your computer ... - two minor errors in the RPT Video: Pics: http://i44.tinypic.com/3025d04.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/2m6u24w.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/ieqm1g.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/30m5oap.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/2vnih03.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/t4vfo6.jpg Credits & Thanks: Columdrum a lot of work in configs/fixed of objects/v3 and other stuff Aussnipe73 Configs/fixed of objects James2464 for his work in the mini-korengal valley Opteryx for his new MIL Objects DMC for his awesome bridges and caves Mikebart for his permission to use/modify vegetation Homer Johnston for his Roadpainter tool Shezan74 for his World Tools Project Reality Team www.ust101.com my clan Version: 1.0 Signed: Yes, serverkey included Requirements: Arma 2 Combined Operations Link's: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22057 PD: no permission to use it in "zombies"...
  18. Ok guys, today, today, today xddd, now i'm going to sleep, see you!
  19. Amazing, this is would be my favorite woodland map after podagorsk :D
  20. minimalaco

    Development Blog & Reveals

  21. minimalaco

    Development Blog & Reveals

    yes, i know, but if they are not able to release a campaign... is the last hope that I have before uninstall this game forever.
  22. minimalaco

    Development Blog & Reveals

    after all these disappointments. I need to know the most important. some DEV can confirm when they launch the new tools or any update to visitor3 compatible with A3 ?