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About ebevan91

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Well, you could buy the CO pack for $3 more then gift the Arma II to someone.
  2. ebevan91

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    How in the world are you getting a better FPS than me when my specs are better than yours AND I'm even running the demo on all normal settings.
  3. I'm getting the boxed version, would I still have problems then?
  4. So if we buy the Combined Operations collection we don't have to do all of this? This is only for those who had Arma 2 before OA came out or those who bought them seperate?
  5. ebevan91

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Hmm, just had an idea if I can't find the boxed version. Later next month when college starts back, I'll take my laptop,buy the game off of Steam and download it during class and in between classes. They have fast internet at my community college. I can download stuff quick there. Then when I'm through for the day and go home in the afternoon, I'll transfer the files to my desktop. Genius! EDIT: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG THE CLOSEST BEST BUY HAS COMBINED OPERATIONS NOW!! I looked yesterday and they didn't have it but today they do. Isn't that crazy? The moment I make the post about not finding it, I do find it! I don't plan on going to town until later next week though. Americans you might wanna check your closest Best Buy website every now and then if you haven't gotten the game yet.
  6. ebevan91

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    Does anyone here fly the choppers with the Logitech Extreme 3d Pro? Could you recommend a button layout for the choppers? I tried the Little Bird mission but I crash trying to kill the convoy while flying with the mouse and keyboard.
  7. ebevan91

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    Why does the mouse movement feel so sluggish? It's not that it's too slow or too sensitive, but it's just not smooth. It's not a performance issue or anything like that, just the controls. Is there a setting I should try changing?
  8. ebevan91

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    I'll buy it if I can ever find a hard copy of Combined Operations.
  9. ebevan91

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    Still downloading, but I did stop the download for a few hours because others in the house wanted to use the internet but it was slow for them during the download. Ok so I got an error message on the torrent, so I started downloading from Steam and it's downloading it faster now, it's already gotten further in 1 hour than the torrent did in 3 hours.
  10. ebevan91

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    omg taking so long to download, been going since noon and it's 4PM now. Not even halfway done.
  11. ebevan91

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    I hate having a 1.2 mbps connection, says I have 9 hours left on the download but I'm using the torrent version so maybe that's why. Normally it takes me like 5-6 hours to download 2-3 gigabytes.
  12. ebevan91

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    Nice!!! I can start downloading at noon, will give me plenty of time left during the day to play it. 2 more hours!
  13. ebevan91

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    I just checked the Best Buys near me and the closest one that has it is 22.1 miles away. Closest Gamestop that has it is about the same distance away. Maybe my dad can get it on the way home from work one day, he drives past there every day. I'll have to ask :) but of course I'd have to pay him for it.
  14. How the heck do I make an AI pilot land the chopper I'm in?
  15. ebevan91

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Yeah but there's people like me who only have a 1.5 down/.75 up and can only download at like 150kb/s which sucks because anything over a gigabyte takes over two hours. Imagine downloading 15-20GB for a game.