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Posts posted by jeffy4578

  1. Hi sorry m8 we are still sorting out the squad. As a new clan we are still getting the team to gel

    we have taken on some new members of late and things are running nicely .Any one that wants is welcome to pop in our mumble server for a chat while they play.

    We are now running all the Brit kit mods in all our missions and we have set up our own mod sync so its nice and easy for new members to get the mods we use

    forums @ www.twclan.co.uk

  2. Tactical Warriors is a light hearted Arma 2 co-op clan. we are just a small group of friends that play a game . We play one planed member made mission a week on Friday night's and unplanned mission's through the week . Wether in a mission or just playing a public game we always play as a team using real world tactics as this is the only way to play Arma. Our members are very active and you'll find them on most nights .If you have a mic' then we are more than happy for you to join us on are mumble server(please note that we have members from the EU but they all speak English in the server ) .Also feel free to use the forums all we ask is that you don't post any spam or x rated stuff in there

    We are now taking on new members. if you are interested in joining us then just have a chat with a member on mumble or post in the forum's.

    We are a relaxed clan and don't have any daft joining rules all we ask is that you.

    •Are over 16 years old

    •have a working mic and use our mumble server when in game

    •you play at least once a week

    •you get on with the current clan members

    •we have some EU members but all members talk in English

    •You need to play as part of the team

    In game skill is not mandatory. We don't really mind if you got the game today we where all new to the game at some point. We'll soon show you how it all works.

    All you need to do is reply to the join us post in our forum's @ www.twclan.co.uk

    and get your self on our mumble server .Then we can get to know you (if you have any problems with mumble then add me to xfire jeffy4578 and ill help you out as best i can i am normally online after 19:00 most nights)

    once you have let us know that you'd like to have =TW= tags on you need to keep playing in the server. But you also need to be in the mumble server. We will let you take part in all the missions we do after a short time we will poll the clan members. If over 50% vote you in then we will ask you to put your tags on if members don't feel that they know you that well then they may ask of more time to get to know you

    Feel free to join us on our mumble server you'll find the ip @ www.twclan.co.uk

    Arma 2 game server filter =TW=

    Also we don't have membership fees
