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About zAi

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  1. both,from vanilla and ace as it was..but it seems that ACE_SM wasn't loaded right,because now i clearly hear the sounds changes..issue resolved! about replace BIS weapons with ACEX ones?
  2. ok,thanks! another question: the ACE team has already planned to replace the BIS weapons with ACEX counterparts or they don't do that? because with a replacement pack (maybe optional to download) you don't have to mess with the units inventories in the editor and mostly you can play the campaig with ACE weapons..
  3. Probably i haven't listen carefully,but i don't hear too much changes with the ACE_SM mod installed..which sounds should it modify? it's necessary or it should be used only if you have sound problems?
  4. for Windows 7 users that have problems with the Web-UI: make a copy of the Six-Updater launcher and change the path to "C:\Program Files\Six-Updater\tools\ruby\bin\ruby.exe" -rubygems six-updater-web.rb so utilize the original to update the launcher and the copy to update\install the mod.it worked for me.bye (everything is explained on DevHeaven)