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About Geoffns

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  1. yep done that, sorry i should have specified, one thing i have noticed though, i dont have the test missions people keep referencing? maybe my install hasnt worked properly, everything else does seem to work though
  2. Are there any known conflicts with ace2 that would make my ace key binds not work, ive checked and everythings right in my userconfig etc, and for all i can tell the mod works fine, but i cant get windage, or the kestrel, sight adjustment etc etc, ive searched this thread and raised it as an issue.
  3. I finally have the updater doing everything correctly, and all the acex units etc and weapons are ingame, the features such as ejector seats etc also work. but none of my key bindings work at all?
  4. Hi, I'm making a co op mission where we sequentially attack a few town on a large scale, to do this successfully i have a trigger that on activation spawns a group of east men. My first problem is, some scripts etc require i place a code in the lead units initialization field, how would i go about doing this if the unit isn't placed physically in the editor? My next one is probably more of a script request, or just some help with the secops module in multiplayer. I have 4 friends attending my lan, and sadly some of them have a habit of dying catastrophically, i have the respawn at bases part, but my issue is that they need to replenish lost troops in their squads. my first thought was that the reinforcements side mission would solve this, and it does seem to work in preview mode. when it comes to the multiplayer game however nobody is able to activate the triggers linked with secops related calls (supply drop, reinforcements etc) Is there any resolution to this? ive scoured the forum to find answers to these issues and ive tried figuring out how evolution handles such things, but no luck so far. if there isn't a secops related way, can anyone suggest a script thats mp friendly and can solve it? thanks in advance, any help is appreciated