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Iron Front 1944 Dev
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Everything posted by Ingeneer

  1. Ingeneer

    Weapon recoil

    There's one difference. In IF recoil level depends of choosen difficulty level.
  2. Eight SP and six MP. For me they are good. D-DAY landing is very hard.
  3. Nice set of perfect screenshots from new DLC by Tigerwulf
  4. One official pic http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/9602/m31lite.jpg (479 kB)
  5. Ingeneer

    1.61 patch question?

    No, you'll DL it patched.
  6. It's only for people with very frequent crashes and the need to check IF.cfg if VRAM setting was detected faulty http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters -maxVRAM=GPU_VRAM_VALUE -winXP might be also worth a try http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Custom_Memory_Allocator You can specify a particular allocator from a command line, like: -malloc=tbb3malloc_bi -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi -malloc=jemalloc_bi -malloc=tcmalloc_bi -malloc=nedmalloc_bi Try all of them
  7. Just let's return to discuss the game. What about your ideas and wishes? What do you want to realise in game?
  8. We make everithing with respect of lacal laws - it's the main point. We don't discuss them - we follow them. From this point let's stop "swastika discussion".
  9. As you wish :D But it's tactical shooter. It's the question to Deep Silver, actually. My wish, cause i love "Blues brother's" state, Illinois ;)
  10. GERdumbadass Please stop to make some "list of units" for us. For this tjere's our officially information. thank you.
  11. For this moment - no. First of all - field artillery, mortars etc. Weapon for close battle. But SU-152 and IS-2 has anouth big guns with powerful HE-shells
  12. And also note different types of feldmuetzen.
  13. It wasn't exactly the same as Feldmuetze 43. There's some little differances.
  14. Mountain units has it (at the nord of Norway for expl.) with longer visor. But about common infantry... Really don't know.
  15. In big quantities M43 Feldmutze was present at Eastern Front since winter 1943-1944.
  16. Thank you for our opinion. Can you post also proofimages in order to understand everything right?