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Everything posted by hitokiri

  1. I correct you a small bit T-80, T-84 and OB-640(black eagle) are evolution of T-64 T-90 is evolution of T-72
  2. I am have many problems getting the Arma 2 tank main gun muzzle flash to work does it require additional config entry or memory lod point as the gun operates and fires correctly but only has the standard tank smoke puff like from arma 1 not the flash and smoke puff like arma 2. My other problem is getting the standard bis smoke discharger to work on my tank i have added "SmokeLauncher" and ""SmokeLauncherMag" to the commanders gun and the other required config entry smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 6; smokeLauncherVelocity = 14; smokeLauncherOnTurret = 1; smokeLauncherAngle = 120; But when comander fires the smoke discharger weapon nothing happens other than sound effect of it firing. Does it require a script to work or more or different config entrys? here part config class RHS_T80B : RHS_T80Base { scope = public; model = "\RHS_T80\T80B1.p3d"; picture = "\RHS_T80\icon\T80BIC.paa"; Icon = "\Ca\tracked\Data\map_ico\icomap_t72_CA.paa"; selectionLeftOffset = "pasanimL"; selectionRightOffset = "pasanimP"; mapSize = 12; faction = "RU"; displayName = "T-80B(85)"; vehicleClass = "RHS_Armour"; nightVision=true; side = East; crew = "RU_Soldier_Crew"; typicalCargo[] = {"RU_Soldier_Crew","RU_Soldier_Crew","RU_Soldier_Crew"}; forceHideDriver = true; hasDriver = true; // default // default // default hiddenSelections[] ={"n1","n2","n3","skirt","TF_Skirt","BF_Skirt","log","snorkel","n4","n5","ERA_side","ERA_turret","Search_random"}; class AnimationSources { class RHS_T80B_Recoil { type = "translation"; source = "user"; selection = "Recoil"; memory = 1; axis = "axis_recoil"; begin = "recoil_start"; end = "recoil_end"; minValue = 1; maxValue = "0"; offset0 = 0; offset1 = 0.29; animPeriod = 0.15; }; class RHS_T80B_Front_skirt { type = "rotation"; source = "user"; selection = "BF_Skirt"; axis = "axis_BF_Skirt"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; memory = 1; animPeriod = 1; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 2"; angle1 = "rad -3"; }; class RHS_T80B_maingunup { type = "rotationX"; source = "user"; selection = "maingunup"; memory = 1; axis = "axis_gun"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = "0"; maxValue = "1"; angle0 = "rad 0"; angle1 = "rad 5"; animPeriod = 2; }; }; spotableNightLightsOff = 0; //default spotableNightLightsOn = 0;//default visibleNightLightsOff = 0; //default visibleNightLightsOn = 0;//default nameSound = "t72"; accuracy = 0.8; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target armor = 650; damageResistance = 0.00544; cost = 1000000; class HitHull { armor = 0.85; material = 1; name = "telo"; visual = "telo"; passThrough = true; }; class HitLTrack { armor = 0.15; material = 1; name = "pas_L"; visual = "-1"; passThrough = false; }; class HitRTrack { armor = 0.15; material = 1; name = "pas_P"; visual = "-1"; passThrough = false; }; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {"rhs_t80\hull_g.rvmat", "rhs_t80\hull_g.rvmat", "rhs_t80\hull_destroy.rvmat", "rhs_t80\turret_G.rvmat", "rhs_t80\turret_G.rvmat", "rhs_t80\turret_destroy.rvmat"}; }; maxSpeed = 60; // max speed on level road, km/h soundEngine[] = {"\RHS_T80\Sound\t80turbine", db22, 0.8}; soundEnviron[] = {"\RHS_T80\Sound\T80-Treads", db140, 0.9}; soundGetOut[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\tank_door", db-40, 1}; soundGetIn[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\tank_door", db-40, 1}; driverForceOptics = true; driverOutForceOptics = true; driverAction = "T72_DriverOut"; driverInAction = "T72_Driver"; memoryPointDriverOutOptics = "Driver_out_view"; driverOutOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; class Exhausts { class Exhaust1 { position = "vyfuk start"; direction = "vyfuk konec"; effect = "ExhaustsEffectBig"; }; }; type = VArmor; // threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types threat[] = {0.9, 0.8, 0.2}; class EventHandlers { init = "[_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\RHS_T80_Scripts\scripts\nummern.sqs"";"; Fired = "if (_this select 1 == ""RHS_2A46_2"") then {_this exec ""\RHS_T80_Scripts\scripts\maingunrecoil.sqs""};"; }; class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { gunnerAction = "T72_GunnerOut"; gunnerInAction = "T72_Gunner"; weapons[] = {"RHS_2A46_2","PKT"}; magazines[] = {"RHS_3BM32_MAG", "RHS_3BK21_MAG", "RHS_3OF26_MAG", "RHS_9M112_Kobra_MAG","rhs_autoloader_mag","2000Rnd_762x54_PKT"}; soundServo[] = {"RHS_T80\Sound\servo.ogg", 1.0, 1.0}; gunnerOutForceOptics = 0; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview"; hasGunner = true; nightVision=true; animationSourceHatch = "Hatchgunner"; animationSourceBody = "MainTurret"; animationSourceGun = "MainGun"; memoryPointGun = "Mgun"; lockWhenDriverOut=1; maxHorizontalRotSpeed=0.40000; maxVerticalRotSpeed=0.10000; primaryGunner = true; primaryObserver = false; //Commander gunnerOutOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\RHS_T80\Optic\RHS_T64_Optic.p3d"; gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics1", "OpticsBlur2", "OpticsCHAbera3"}; minElev = -5; maxElev = 15; initElev = 0; class HitTurret { armor = 1; material = 2; name = "otocvez"; visual = "vez"; passThrough = true; }; class HitGun { armor = 0.5; material = 2; name = "otochlaven"; visual = "zbran"; passThrough = true; }; gunBeg = "Gun_end"; gunEnd = "Gun_start"; body = "RHS_T80B_MainTurret"; gun = "RHS_T80B_MainGun"; class Turrets : Turrets { class CommanderOptics : CommanderOptics { weapons[] = {"RHS_NSV","SmokeLauncher"}; magazines[] = {"RHS_NSV_50R", "RHS_NSV_50R","RHS_NSV_50R","SmokeLauncherMag","SmokeLauncherMag"}; stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesNone"; gunnerName = $STR_POSITION_COMMANDER; gunnerOutForceOptics = 1; animationSourceHatch = "HatchCommander"; animationSourceBody = "obsTurret"; animationSourceGun = "obsGun"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "commanderview"; memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "commander_out_view"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\RHS_T80\Optic\RHS_T64_COptic.p3d"; gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics1", "OpticsBlur2", "OpticsCHAbera3"}; nightVision=true; proxyType = "CPCommander"; proxyIndex = 1; lockWhenDriverOut=0; primaryGunner = false; primaryObserver = true; //Commander hasCommander = true; gunBeg = "Mgun_end"; // endpoint of the gun gunEnd = "Mgun_start"; // chamber of the gun body = "RHS_T80B_com_coppula"; gun = "RHS_T80B_com_Gun"; gunnerAction = "T72_CommanderOut"; gunnerInAction = "T72_Commander"; minElev = -15; maxElev = 80; initElev = 0; minTurn = -360; maxTurn = 360; initTurn = 0; gunnerOutOpticsModel = "\ca\Weapons\optika_empty"; soundServo[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun_elevate2", db-70, 1.0}; outGunnerMayFire = true; inGunnerMayFire = true; }; }; }; }; smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 6; smokeLauncherVelocity = 14; smokeLauncherOnTurret = 1; smokeLauncherAngle = 120; }; turret section of model config ////////////// Turret class RHS_T80B_MainTurret { selection = "Mainturret"; type="rotationY"; source="mainTurret"; axis="axis_turret"; animPeriod=0; memory=1; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class RHS_T80B_MainGun { selection = "MainGun"; type="rotationX"; source="mainGun"; axis="axis_Gun"; animPeriod=0; memory=1; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class RHS_T80B_Recoil { type="translation"; source="user"; selection="Recoil"; axis="axis_recoil"; memory=1; begin="Recoil_start"; end="Recoil_end"; minValue=0; maxValue="1"; offset0=0; offset1=0.3; animPeriod=0.15; }; class RHS_T80B_maingunup : RHS_T80B_MainGun { type = "rotationX"; source = "user"; selection = "maingunup"; memory = 1; axis = "axis_Gun"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = "0"; maxValue = "1"; angle0 = "rad 0"; angle1 = "rad 5"; }; /////////////// IR search light gunner class RHS_T80B_GUN_Search { selection = "IR_Search"; type="rotationX"; source="mainGun"; axis="axis_IR_Search"; animPeriod=0; memory=1; minValue="rad -5"; maxValue="rad +15"; angle0="rad -5"; angle1="rad +15"; }; ////////////// commander coppula class RHS_T80B_com_coppula { selection = "Com_coppula"; type="rotationY"; source="obsTurret"; axis="axis_com_coppula"; animPeriod=0; memory=1; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class RHS_T80B_com_Gun { selection = "com_Gun"; type="rotationX"; source="obsGun"; axis="axis_com_Gun"; animPeriod=0; memory=1; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; ///////////////// IR search light commander class RHS_T80B_com_com_IR_Search { selection = "com_IR_Search"; type="rotationX"; source="obsGun"; axis="axis_com_IR_Search"; animPeriod=0; memory=1; minValue="rad -20"; maxValue="rad +60"; angle0="rad -20"; angle1="rad +60"; }; Hope someone can help these are last 2 bug i have v_v
  3. success ^_^ Give correct muzzle flash, thank you all that help :icon_w00t:
  4. I think i have find source of the problem, it is not the animation that is causing the lack of muzzle flash but the event handlers Are overwriting the default bis event handlers which call both the smoke discharger effect and muzzle flash. Does anyone know what the resulting merged eventhandler would be as i have tried to but get errors configs are not my strong pointv_v
  5. Seem lazuras correct it animation that effect flash effet when i disable the recoil the flash work
  6. I not think it relate to recoil because it there still no flash when disable it. my main gun inherits from bis D81 that t-72 use class RHS_2A46_2 : D81 { scope = protected; reloadTime = 6.5; displayName = "2A46-2"; sound[] = {"\RHS_T80\Sound\125mm", db70, 1}; reloadSound[] = {"\RHS_T80\Sound\autoloader", 0.5, 1}; effectsFire = "CannonFire"; nameSound = "cannon"; cursor = "Cannon"; ballisticsComputer = 1; flash = "gunfire"; flashSize = 10; minRange = 1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 1200; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 2500; maxRangeProbab = 0.1; maxLeadSpeed = 100; // max estimated speed km/h autoReload = true; magazines[] = {"RHS_3BM9_MAG","RHS_3BM12_MAG","RHS_3BM15_MAG","RHS_3BM17_MAG","RHS_3BM22_MAG","RHS_3BM26_MAG","RHS_3BM29_MAG","RHS_3BM32_MAG","RHS_3BM42_MAG","RHS_3BM42M_MAG","RHS_3BM46_MAG","RHS_3BK12_MAG","RHS_3BK14_MAG","RHS_3BK18_MAG","RHS_3BK18M_MAG","RHS_3BK21_MAG","RHS_3BK29_MAG","RHS_3BK31_MAG","RHS_3OF11_MAG","RHS_3OF26_MAG","RHS_9M112_Kobra_MAG","RHS_9M128_Agona_MAG","23Rnd_125mmSABOT_T72", "22Rnd_125mmHE_T72"}; };
  7. i can not find script you speak of in ca.pbo and i have also try to inherit bis weapon's but nothing changes. I have also arm my own tank with bis tank weapon but again nothing change gun work but no muzzle flash this is what missing comparison video <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZOP5Ph21J0&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZOP5Ph21J0&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> What i am wondering is that it part of the model like old zasleh muzzle flash on rifles