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Everything posted by Bielow

  1. Bielow

    Ultimate Flashpoint Mod

    ok.i tried minute ago and don't work i did point from 1 to 2 number 3 is impossible.it shows me error cannot open blablabla as archieve
  2. Bielow

    Ultimate Flashpoint Mod

    Don't work ;) --- and I have the last verion of 7zip. I tried use total commander too and used winzip,winrar,xrar,iza rc etc
  3. Bielow

    Ultimate Flashpoint Mod

    Iza rc don't work too
  4. Bielow

    Invasion 44

    A few more details will be useful. What version of I44 do You have? 2.0,2.5 or 2.7 ? It looks like You trying run old sicily demo on 2.5 version. Please write name of campaign and Your version. If You want run coc/i44 or oosterbek campaign download patch 2.7. Both fixed campaign are in that patch. Bielow
  5. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

  6. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    I prefer that page Sudayev http://www.armapoint.com/news.php Ton of addons about brazilian army/chile etc and minustah mod. It's the same like page which You show us but in armapoint all links works fine ;) edit---- Zulu we think about the same thing :P
  7. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    Nope. Sorry and I'll be carefull if You using stuff from MICRO CHIP. In my opinion-his "fixed version" is more bugged than old v0.3 beta. He added pictures to weapons in notepad and probably (i'm not sure) fixed gunner view in 50cal. But he's version CTD in my computer so many times.... When I' used small weapons,used shotguns etc etc Ask BIG Dawg KS if he have some unfinished stuff ;) He's only active member of that team on Bif. Regards Bielow
  8. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    ....WTF ? Reading is hard isn't it ? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=100359 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=99111 I'm waiting for this two.
  9. Bielow

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    It's John's Sdkfz 2 if I remember correctly. Or never released Marcel/Mafry Sdkfz 2 I hopt it this is this ;)
  10. Bielow

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Yeah I open once again island in wrp-tool and compare list :P I slept not enough to normal peoples :D That's why. Anyway ""JOJI_tree"" - I have new version with proper geometry. If you need to mission with exciting sniper moments :D Uploading on the way. Link via Pm ;) Bielow
  11. Bielow

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Ok I didn't spotted that post ;) Link to other's on the way Edit Bas O ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/islands2/BAS_O.rar Czech Hedgehog/Log Spike/something more http://hostuje.net/file.php?id=18fe30ef29339bcfe5a0c0287d28a280 J_O - Are you sure it's correct word Andre? It's jojimbo objects from I44 2.5 SCJPak01 - What is this i really don't know Bielow
  12. Well it's may be better to check this old forum than speculate ;) http://gawmod.proboards.com/index.cgi I'll send You a few links to Acacyn and other's addon makers work. EDIT For Example Tie Pack Volume II http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8954 ARC 170 & Millenium Falcon http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8718 Lambda Shuttle, Darth Vader Tie & N1 http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8330 Landing Platform http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9448 A-Wing Y-Wing http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8956 Tatoine Buildings http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8729 X-34 Landspeeder http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8521 There is a few more but I'm too lazy to find direct link. Try to find Yourself mate. But from my konwledge Acacyn is still working on Ofp version. Any conversion will be after release. If it will be of course.. Bielow
  13. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    I uploaded it to You :] http://hostuje.net/file.php?id=0c2b59aa6a72d8522782d223e4d3ff84 Bielow
  14. Thank You JdB. Package received :)))
  15. Well JdB what can I say beside Big Thank You ;) ? It looks better than I ever imagined :) It's another proof that Ofp is still alive and kicks!
  16. Bielow

    WWIIMP mod missions

    Nice :) I must check the last one ;) but if it's so good like the other missions I'm happy. Thanx Incubus! Bielow
  17. Bielow

    WWII MP Released!

    Well. A few words from me. Gunther please check this thread before You will have new questions. It was huge battle for me to get all these permissions to this mod. I'm personally very happy that my help (limited) was contributefd to release WWII MP in world forum, not only on polish webs. But I see that You don't understand a few very important aspects so: -permissions was only for Ofp. Not import to arma I,II,III or XI. -Mods like I44 has his own Eula. - read this carefully ;) -I'm not sure cause You probably don't saw credits list. It's huge. And they only mentioned makers which Reyhard changed stuff. 3Rd party addons are in separate file. Let's imagine that we have e.g 50 addon makers/mods. It's very likely that some of them may not agree to port their stuff. What if only half of them will agree to port their stuff (To be honest why e.g Liberation 41-45 can agree to port when they release his new mod soon?It's illogical) so Reyhard must changin,deleting etc? I think You should ask him first if he's interested with this proposition. If no things is clear. -If You are interested to help with convert-(With Reyhard's permission) but I think it's impossible (Eula's etc) let me know. I have all contacts in txt file when I looked addon makers etc. so I can share this with You Gunther. Not we ;) Reyhard. I only get permissions. He's a God :D Bielow
  18. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    If You will unpack file ffur_misc inside is folder called "ship". Inside this is boat LSD. Not LST. It's U.S.S. Ashland LSD 48. Ehhh.
  19. Bielow

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Andre if You want I can release fixed maps in this thread ;) Or You want in package with rest of IOH addons ?
  20. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

  21. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    I think that first picture is MechaStalin's BRDM2 AT-3 V.2.
  22. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    OMG - Please use search options ok ? http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1750989&postcount=1463
  23. Impressive! I wish Spartakus rebellion :P There will be different variants of gladiators ? like murmillo or thraex ?
  24. Bielow


    a few words from me... to peoples like Soldat Hans Most of community (i don't tallking about everyone) is playing AII or OA . Level of complexity of addons is more complicated if addon is more detail. Ofp has less level of complex than Arma II or even Arma I. It will take a lot of time to learn everything. e.g I had unfinished stuff from I44. Wow. Most of You is thinking - it will be relase next month - nope. It taking a lot of time to make something good. With good looking textures, Lod's and proper config. If addon is more complicated than it takes more time to create or even finish it. I'm big I44 fan since first minidemo and always i was impressed about quality of their toys. My solution to peoples is : Try to make someting yourself. You will be happy (if You will can do it of course :D ) if not - wait for release. It's ridiculous that most of "fans" simply forget that work of addon makers if free. You do not have to pay for this. As ProfTournesol mentioned there is something like Real life... not only work with addons. Why someone must working 24/24 because someone said "I want it now" :/ Because there is their choice. Simple.