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Everything posted by Bielow

  1. Bielow

    Legen Of Madness Open Beta Release

    Very nice mod. I didn't had much time to tested it - only 20min in editor but it's really worth of waiting :) These creatures are very funny :d @ hector748 There are sp or mp mission to them ? And this mod will be optimalized? Lof of addons with tag LGY have lack of resolution lods. In my crappy comp sometimes it looks like slideshow with more units :( Anyway - good work !
  2. Bielow

    Italian Front Addons

    Be Precise. Machii 200 or 202 ? Machii 200 don't have any variants of camo .if You are talking about new 202 camo In my version all is ok... Editor Iww2 Air. I didn't spotted bug which You mentioned. I'll look at it in next week. All addons which I have was on res side. I didn't changed this. If You want change for east change it in congig manually. No problem ;) Bielow edit --- 100mm cannon don't attack infantry or vehicles? if don't attack infantry it's normal. It have only AP shells. And I checked mac 200. Class empty - Italian air force ... so what's the problem Run ?
  3. Bielow

    Italian Front Addons

    Macchi c 200 "Saetta" http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6773 Screens in game You will find it under resistance side in editor. IW2 Air. Download link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H1NUQ9ML Changelog EDIT------ Macchi c.202 "Folgore" Baracca http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4558 3Rd picture : http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics/mc202d.jpg Screens from gatebilder You will find it under resistance side in editor. IW2 Air. Download link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HUUGCKQ0 Changelog For both addons credits go to: -Dr. Rebus -Gexking -Klallo -Indy -Stit -Pluslong -Cribban -DarkNova -DR.DESTRUCTION -WILCO -GAVIN -WILDO -WEBSTER -SAM -ANDREAFOX1 -AT ST WALKER -ANZIO -THOMMY If You want to take/use something from this addon(s) contact Indy or Dr. Rebus. It cannot be converted to Arma I or II or any other Bi Games without permission. Bielow
  4. Bielow

    Italian Front Addons

    Glad to read this :) At this moment I fixed bug with non working moving of machine guns on turret in Cv33/Dv33. I'll try to release few files like bunkers,updated Cv/Dv and USA soldier with next time cause I don't want spamming in my own thread :D To avoid next questions I'll make list what else I have. So this post will be edited later. Edit-- I Deleted links to stuff which will be/or not be release. Too much stupid pm's ;)
  5. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    3X I don't have it. And rest of Italian team which I know don't have it too :( But You should try to catch Klallo ;) Maybe he have this. I have "OM-35" but it's far from finished at this moment.
  6. Bielow

    Italian Front Addons

    Hi Run! Glad to hear this. I was afraid that I'll make 4 posts one after one myself :p Next update will be with Italian Bunkers with Mg. Then I take to workshop this - http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6773 Of course if anybody is interested to help with me let me know ;) Sennacherib is working on his map and houses at this moment so I'm a bit lonely :p Bielow
  7. Bielow

    Italian Front Addons

    Sorry for triple post. Number of links to pictures etc per post is limited.. wtf :/ I Just had free time today.. so : Personal weapons to officers and NCO of Italian army. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4629 Screens in game Credits go to: -Dr. Rebus -Gexking -Klallo -Indy -Stit -Pluslong -Cribban -DarkNova -DR.DESTRUCTION -WILCO -GAVIN -WILDO -WEBSTER -SAM -ANDREAFOX1 -AT ST WALKER -ANZIO -THOMMY Name of weapon: IW2_BER34 Name of magazine: IW2_BER34mag Download link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SXPZKIUJ Changelog If You want to take/use something from this addon contact Indy or Dr. Rebus. It cannot be converted to Arma I or II or any other Bi Games without permission. Bielow p.s To guys who asked me about b-25 - sorry i deleted Your pm's :(. No i don't have it in my folder. Italian motor bike too. And will be only skin that desert which I released to macchi fighter. Dr Rebus and Indy don't have remaining... EDIT And Good addition to soldiers until I finish work with weapons may be this Beretta M.A.B by "At St Walker"
  8. Bielow

    Italian Front Addons

    Sorry for double post :/ Very small update Cv33 (Green Camo) and Dv33 (Desert camo) + test map Panterellia (Desert island. No objects at this moment) http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4388 http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=3637 Screens in game Credits go to: -Dr. Rebus -Gexking -Klallo -Indy -Stit -Pluslong -Cribban -DarkNova -DR.DESTRUCTION -WILCO -GAVIN -WILDO -WEBSTER -SAM -ANDREAFOX1 -AT ST WALKER -ANZIO -THOMMY You will find it under resistance side in editor. IW2 Armored. Test map is under maps choose in editor ;) You don't need old one Cv33 to work. Download link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=92W9CQIO Changelog If You want to take/use something from this addon contact Indy or Dr. Rebus. It cannot be converted to Arma I or II or any other Bi Games without permission. Bielow
  9. I talked with Dragon44 via msn. He told he will release mod for ofp when he will time to finish it. It will probably using elements of Italian Front addons casue he wanted to make it as reallistic as possible about brazlian expeditionary force. So Narvik You can wait with patience ;)
  10. Bielow

    NCR Troopers 1.0

    Nice skin :) If You want to use orks contact with Ladie From hell but remember that orks using his own great Sanctuary/Sengir's animations (another p3d model) so it will be a while to add all things to config. What with Buildings POPKA ? You have any plans to it :) ?
  11. Bielow

    WWII MP Released!

    I don't like situation like this but I think i have right to be main actor (I was made him PR before release and getting permissions)in this discussion.I'll try to wrote simple sentences to everybody interested can understand it ;) 1st-About darkest hour. When i was close with Reyhard before release he told me that he using elements of DH mod in his package. He told me he have permission to use it. Yes-in fact there's no mention on the credits list and few more peoples before g44 reported me it after release but Rey told me that he have permission so I didn;t have any objection to check it. For "pro publico bono" I can send e-mail with question to darkest hour team... but question what for ??? We can wait when Reyhard will be at forum. He's probably busy so he isn't online often.About Mosin from cod1/2 (?) if it's in fact Reyhard will remove it and no problem. 2nd- To g44 and few peoples which wrote to me about stuff in package. About RTCW- faces from RTCW are e.g in Gavin's infantry pack,Liberation mod etc. so it will be neccesary to remove most of addons from site. Johnsart should be permanently banned until end of his days cause his first addons like winter island,88 flak and e.g king tiger are from Medal of Honor AA ;) Upminder and his ww2 weapons pack too.. etcetctetc It's madness-more than 40% of ofp community based on that kind of situation but it's like i wrote in one of my post "small evil" so non-profit.. EA Games will not fall with this situations :D 3rd and I think we will wait a while for author return.And wait for his sitance but he told he have permission. Better to keep fingers for patch to mp in my opinion. Ekhm... less agression mate. So try to open Your eyes for ww2 (especially old gold nuggets like Hidden and Dangerous series)so You will know what's this :cool:.And try to don't use words like "moron" if you don't want to be warned ;) And in future g44 or someone do like Macser wrote. I think moderators should remove all post with not-topic.
  12. Bielow

    Italian Front Addons

    Macchi c.202 "Folgore" in desert camo http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4558 Screens in game Credits go to: -Dr. Rebus -Gexking -Klallo -Indy -Stit -Pluslong -Cribban -DarkNova -DR.DESTRUCTION -WILCO -GAVIN -WILDO -WEBSTER -SAM -ANDREAFOX1 -AT ST WALKER -ANZIO -THOMMY You will find it under resistance side in editor. IW2 Air. Download link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XFTOXIW9 Changelog If You want to take/use something from this addon contact Indy or Dr. Rebus. It cannot be converted to Arma I or II or any other Bi Games without permission. Bielow @Cribban I hope I didn't forget mention You in credits :p ? Good to see You still active ;)
  13. Bielow

    WW2 map

    Really nice. That last screen show us not much but it will push my imagination :) Traktor will be nice addition,but maybe You will think about church ;) ? I know that linker split objects are totally unplayable but maybe when You will have time :p ? Haystack are just perfect for mg-42 like in Anzio movie :) Good Work Sennacherib! Bielow
  14. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    Nope Zulu :( I have only toys from I44,Italian Front and I'm workign on conversion bunkers from Festung mod of Atst Walker's (with his permission) from arma to ofp. But if You are real interested john You can write to SafetyCatch. He's active in forum,so I think that are chances that he may still have this. That's method which I using personally :p
  15. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    Yes. I'm sure. There was a thread about it. It's something like small or big evil. Sometimes "small" is tollerate. I have totally ripped modern warfare 2 to arma I engine. It's ok until It's for personal usage. When you will share with this via forum it's ok until some of moderators will find this. I guess no one of original authors of ported addons like "Halo" don't have permission to use this stuff. Situation like with Linker Split and his wwII pack. He told he have permission to use Call of Duty 1 or 2 (I don't remember) textures in his models. I wanted to use this too but when I wrote to developer i get answer they didn't gave any permission of his textures,models etc to anyone especially guy called "Linker Splkit" and maybe we have the same situation. Maybe guy who did this didn't heard about something like "copyrights". Or he was good liar. I don't know how looks situation with Dunnodunke from 3148 mod,maybe he had permission,maybe not,it's not important but this kind of sitaution should be talked via pm. Beside we all have the same mod so continue this discussion is nonsense. There's no more mods/addons from halo to ofp at this moment. Please moderators to change/remove last 5-6 posts,cause it's totall offtopic. :)
  16. Bielow


    Well looking at screen I can forgive You no answer for my pm. ;) How good will be performance? Gala island was running at my crappy comp very good, and I have very good memories with villages and cities :) I hope this map will be have good performance too ? Bielow
  17. Bielow

    NCR Troopers 1.0

    Nice addon. Popka You thought about mak mini-package of Fallout? Ghouls will be nice addition to it ;) I think that Dr Pepper will let You use rework/retex his Zombie pack if You will ask him :)
  18. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    It's illegal here Nim ;) Don't do this,but You can share with rest via pm. But I think they both have the same mod which we both have from N*** site :p
  19. Bielow

    OFP Addon request thread

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=5685 Maybe this?
  20. Bielow

    Road To Caen Demo

    @AKM Sorry if You get my words as fight start :p It wasn't my target. Sorry. Thx for bug report :) It's good to hear that somebody will be making mission to it. @Sennacherib You mean De Gaulle's Free Freenchies ?
  21. Bielow

    Berlin 45 Addons

    Second addon pack speaks for themself :) M19 Maschinengranatenwerfer Abwerflammenwerfer 42 Schweres Wurfgerät 41 For original info about it check Screens are unnecesary. When movies are aviable ;) To proper understand how use e.g Schweres Wurfgerät 41 check test missions included in archieve. To Liberation 41-45 fans there is nice test mission inside :p Link To download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NDJATUAQ Berlin 45 download link http://www.armamod.org/mod/berlin1945/download/index.php?action=downloadfile&filename=AtStWalker_mines_mortar_rockets.7z&directory=public_downloads/Berlin1945_addons& Changelog: Very thanks to AtSt Walker who let me relase this stuff to Ofp first. Big Thx :) Credits: AtSt Walker Burner Fab WW2Weasel If You want to use some part of this addon contact author via Bi forum. Bielow
  22. Bielow

    Road To Caen Demo

    Good to hear that I'm not alone in making missions to it. As I mentioned I fixed what I could. I'm not typical profeesional like Fab was. Beside that demo was for ww2ec team only and it was released to them very earlier- few months after when thread was started. Yes. I should release only W-ss in dot camo in demo. My bad :p About As i mentioned in Faq. I made it playable-at some point. And In my opinion it's good. About clone faces... if You remember I44 2.0 or even 2.5 it's the same problem. It all need time. If You will look at faces.pbo You will see that Fab had huge plans. Faces are with shadow to cap/helmet etc so It suggests to us that it was in plans huge modification. Almost every element to made it take a lot of time.Version which (During probably bad upload/or something) I had have few missing animations to rifles and without Rtm Toolbox by Fab -who help me with it (And AefAnim too) It was be almost totally unplayable... It were be neccesary to change all models to ofp anim standard.. Probably. I'm not configer/scripter. I'll look at it but It wasn't my top prioritet. And as I already mentioned I didn't know where it is. Maybe it was my bad decions to release and I should look carefully on them,but..release will be probably in Decemeber 2011 in that case. Cause I have real life. And lot of my personal projects. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/WWIIEC If someone was interested what plans was etc.. :p And it's still hope tha Fab will return!
  23. Bielow

    WW2 map

    Imppresive :) This is better than screen from yesterday :p Btw-package recieved. Thank You ;)
  24. Bielow

    Italian Front Addons

    Well If Sennacherib will be have time to look at o2 and fix my crappy work soon will be release this http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6205 And camouflage variant too (And previous old one in brown scheme). It's only question of time but sure on 100% ;) I want to thanks Indy from Operation Husky/Italian Front who send me interrior from 3dsmax to AB41 (http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9741) so if Sennacherib will be so kind and help me our last piece of puzzle will be this :)
  25. Well Run - like Fuzzmaster said. You probably tried to make Your own version. I shared with vehicles config. Not unit config.... so it's impossible that is my fault ;) But If You will finish my patch before me please let me know :p It will speed up whole process wcause I'm sitting actually on italian stuff with Sennacherib great help. ;) @Fuzz Package on the way-sorry for delay. @JdB So who was author of that shermans? I thought it was marfy's too :confused: edit--- But if You will upload Your config run,I can look at it.