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Everything posted by Fernsie

  1. Thanks guys! I'll give those a go. ---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 PM ---------- Actually TechnoTerrorist I'm not sure where to paste that code. As I said I'm very inexperienced with scripting?
  2. Hi guys, this is my first post. I've been creating many missions in the editor by mainly placing units and waypoints. I've done very little scripting as I'm not that experienced with it. I've created a mission where I have four squads of troops board MH-60s which ferry them to an LZ where they unload and proceed to their next waypoints. This all works pretty well until I place the enemy in. Not right in the LZ mind you, but close enough they can still take potshots with rifles. After the choppers take any sort of fire they refuse to land and will often just hover over the LZ. So my question is, how can I make the choppers land at their waypoint after they have taken enemy fire? Thanks in advance, Fernsie
  3. I'm having a similar problem with choppers not dropping off troops as soon as they spot the enemy or take fire. I'd like to hear an answer to this too.