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About -TPC-InSaNe

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    Private First Class
  1. -TPC-InSaNe

    Mapfact.net releases Editorupgrade

    Ok i understand .so its not possible to make a version that i can start it automatically as a addon out of a pbo file..... :-(( @galzohar:i found only a update for OA from another one: http://www.armaholic.com/index.php?c=news_arma2_oa_tools
  2. -TPC-InSaNe

    Mapfact.net releases Editorupgrade

    Hello ,i was reading this thread and about the thing that every player needs this upgrade on his pc. My question:Is it not possible to put it into the finished pbo file ,so everyone who downloads the map from the server has it automatically running over the pbo?? Maybe this could be a solution for this problem..
  3. -TPC-InSaNe

    Thirsk Island

    Hello.its a really nice work from you.on the winter island:are there normal footstep sounds like the normal island??or are there sounds like walking through snow?? and if we download the island :are there winter uniforms included??
  4. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    Hello ,i updated YAS to the latest version and changed to the new command line. When i start Arma2 now i get a message at the beginning: Addon ´OFPIP_c_base_island´ requires addon ´caa1_p_signs´. in the editor menue ,i cant find the Arma1 islands now
  5. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    i checked today on our server a self made map in ofp worlds and i had no problems.played 5minutes
  6. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    I have a black road on lipovac,is that normal?? please check the issue tracker @DH before posting bugs. some are already known ... yes yes insane ....reading before posting :-)
  7. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    is lipovac after updating listed up as an own island or under ofp world??
  8. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    Hello.i updated today YAS into version And i updated the ofpip data .when i went into the editor i got this message: No entry `bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds.ofpip_w_lipovac`. I cant find the island in the editor.
  9. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    hmm cant update my YAS.it tells me new version but no installer like in 1.0.45
  10. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    @kju Do you have some news about converting lipovac island after sending the new file????
  11. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    thx.send him a message
  12. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    i have the island now.i can send it to you.or you take the link: http://www.exe-ofp.com/downloads.php?cat_id=1 its on this site. maybe you need the objects 1,2,4file and editorupdate1.02 too. im not sure
  13. -TPC-InSaNe

    OFPIP preview

    Is it very difficult to convert a island from ofp to Arma2???im really a noob but i ask because i miss a good island from ofp times.its lipovac .we played there a lot maps in tnt league .I think it was made by john lennon from ggx but im not sure
  14. is it possible to start it in 3d mode??and i want to put in houses,trees and much more in my CTF.What are you using ??first map i created for testing was with editor upgrade 1.0 from Lester and after that i couldnt join on servers because of this addon.are there any other ways?sorry im a noob in mapmaking :-)