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About Zomba

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  1. Zomba

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    I sad-faced when I saw it. Then I face palmed. I know, instead of spewing out mediocre DLC, perhaps fix the things that either never got finished or need heart surgery. ULB in multiplayer working yet? The Mk-19 Crows Hummer have any range adjustment system yet? Does the PMC UAV work in Multiplayer? Wicked game and everything, it's the only game I never really drop, but there are so many things you can do that require your energy that this sort of thing just muddies the waters. If you want to make a quid from DLC then it has to be high quality or else you're just going to get flamed and encourage no confidence to subsequent DLCs. I like the fact that you are going for DLC, more money for you is a good thing, but come on, don't fall on your own sword.
  2. Hey, fellas. I'm getting incompatibility errors with the TS dll and Teamspeak 3.0.0 Beta29 This normal for ACRE 1.0.10 at the moment? I know, I know, don't update TS until it's given the ok. I just did it by mistake without thinking. Cheers.
  3. Hey fellas, I'm getting a Runtime Error halfway through the installer. Basically saying the application has requested the runtime to stop in an unusual mannor and then it crashes. Anyone else have this problem? I've already redownloaded to make sure it wasn't corruption. Rebooted. Admin rights. Edit: It was Bitdefender being a dick. Installed straight up after it was disabled.
  4. Might be a little issue with 1.03. Our team has been using radio mods since a2t first made an appearance and then onto ACRE and no real issues getting them going. After a brief period of no ACRE with Arrowhead we jumped straight into it once ACRE was ported over. None of us have been able to get it running. We're all experienced with ACRE on ARMA2 so I am doubting it is a problem with improper installation. The radio item is changed to ACRE prc-148 SHIFT-CONTROL V brings up the radio selection menu, but no radios showing Voice is still global and not environmental direct. there is no radio triggering when press-to-talk. Basically there is no functional running of the plugin. Is there any real difference between ARMA2 ACRE and OA ACRE that we are not appreciating? We've covered the potential CBA type problem as we use that for ACE sound mod and instant view distance. Cheers. Edit: Just saw the dsound.dll to beta folder suggestion above. We'll crack on with that and see if it works tomorrow.
  5. Just to make sure I'm crystal on this. To run the Arma beta all you have to do is select the 'beta' folder that is recognised in the mod list? Launcher will automatically run the beta.exe in the right folder and so on? Cheers.
  6. Zomba

    Pre-Order Of Operation Arrowhead???

    I realise it's a niche game and only appeals to a relative minority of gamers so mass saturation marketing wouldn't be cost effective, but I still think at least a little bit of general marketing would help them out a bit better to build a larger base.
  7. I tend not to use GPS or have player automarked on map, so I use your lines to triangulate my position and then use laser ranger finder and compass on the target. Then use your tools to translate that to the map and place a map marker on the worked out position for the targeting. The pilot then just has to ID the marker, a little bit more chatter on nature of target, weapons to use, vector and that is it. It requires a bit of work to fix your datum and guide the pilot in, but it should be that way and it makes it more fun.
  8. Excellent mod. I use it for Artillery and CAS control and it provides a more straight forward way to very accurately target both.