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About maiochine

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi guys, I have the F/A-18 Super hornet MOD from TeTeTe and the FIR weapon system updated to the latest version. What I am having is that when I load a couple of GBU 38s on the F/A-18 I can't find the option GPS Targeting System from the drop down menu. Anyone can help please ? Thanks
  2. maiochine

    FEEDBACK about Take On Helicopters

    I imagined it that would be the reason, but some technical specs of the chopper wont bother ;) cheers
  3. Hi all, I am a veteran in ARMA I and II and all I use to do is troop transport because of my passion for helicopters ! Your new project Take On Helicopters or if I may abbreviate it as TOH is a great step ! I really enjoyed the FD and the whole story you made up and I felt finally Bohemia is going into simulation, some few days ago I was still flying DCS Black Shark because of its realism and now I found something that attracts my attention and that's TOH. I would like though to mention something that I found missing in this new project : When rushed to take a look at the helicopters I found no description of them they looked like fictional helicopters, as a helicopter "SIM" I expected to have at least the model of the helicopter like for example Bell 415, with it flight performance (speed, ceiling, engine power etc...) It's a small detail but in my thought it gives something more than the usual "games". Any way I would like to congratulate all Bohemia's team for this great creature you created and I hope you'll be thinking of developing it and maybe giving the chance to put our hands on a UH-1H Huey someday or even the UH-1Y :P Cheers and keep up the good work Maio
  4. As an ARMA veteran and specially troop transporter I vote for Vietnam MOD and I would love to have the TOH FD on a UH-1H Huey or even ARMA II UH-1Y !!! Man these choppers never die ! Cheers
  5. @HavocDemon: I inserted in the init but nothing happened it still goes where it wants.what is "Plan1" ? @PELHAM: where do I have to place the scripts you gave me ? sorry I'm still a newbe :P Thanks
  6. Hi all ! I am building a mission in the OA editor where I have an AI C130 named "halo" on the parking area with ENGINE OFF, that when everybody is on board I will give it a radio trigger "HALO" and the C130 will turn the eninges on, taxi to the runway,, takeoff and fly us to a specific waypoint and then returns to base and land. Could you please tell me how can I make this happen ? :) Many thanks
  7. where should I type this ? I was thinking in creating a new civ_f.sqf and put only this inside where the suspect will reach the landing zone and something there would call the civ_f.sqf Am I correct ?
  8. Aaaaaaalll riiiiiiiiiiiiiight ! excellent job ! many thanks :) one more thing to unload the prisoner ? what should I type ? thanks again
  9. Hey guys ! I understood perfectly the script and it works ! But I would like to add something different ! I would like that the "suspect" after being arrested , to get in a chopper ... I basically know how to make the chopper arrive at the LZ using the radio calls and how to make it load soldiers etc... My idea was to change this code : // "Teleport" the suspect to holdover, a GameLogic location pre-placed. _suspect setPos getPos logic1; into a GetIn or load into chopper but unfortunately I dont know the script yet ! Could you help me please ? Many thanks
  10. Hi all ! I bought ARMA 2 online in download version from the ARMA website through NEXWAY webservice on the 28 of June. I had it on my X-PC with windows XP and today I have it on my new PC with Windows 7 64bit. THE PROBLEM: The SecuROM protection software is telling me that I dont have any activations left !!! I contacted them to ask them if they could increase my activations and they replied back saying: "Hello. Thank you for your e-mail. It appears that you have exceeded your activation limit. Unfortunately, we are unable to increase your activation limit and have been advised by the software publisher to direct users with these inquires directly to them. Their official support contact: http://www.arma2.com/support/support_de.html If you have purchased your game as a digital download (no disc), please contact your point of purchase regarding an activation increase. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Best regards, " I contacted arma2_en@nexway.com where I bought ARMA 2, but still have no answer !!! QUESTION: Anyone have a quick solution for this issue ? Did you have the same problem ? THanks