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Posts posted by vegeta897

  1. It kind of seems random, ie. we have stance and ammo indicators, but don't have stamina, wound/health, and oxygen (for underwater) indicators. I don't really think that there is some sort of design goal they are going for.

    Not really random. BIS have tried to express stamina, wounds, and oxygen with screen effects and sounds. Ammo count can't really be expressed in that way, so it remains in the hud. For stances I guess they felt new players should get a chance to learn how the stances work, before upping the difficulty where it's disabled.

    I find the current stamina indications adequate, but I wouldn't freak out if they put a bar in. Though I'd prefer a heartbeat hud indicator if something has to go in the hud. I find that to be less gamey, and actually kind of neat.

  2. I agree that they are not as obvious as how well you can assess yourself in real life, but I think for the purposes of the game, they're enough. I can learn to manage my stamina through experience playing and the warning signs. Speaking for myself, I've never had a problem with not knowing exactly how fatigued I am. I'm no genius, so if I can do it, I think anyone can. Maybe everyone should try harder to adapt?

  3. I don't see how having to actively glance at a bar every now and again is supposed to be more intuitive and letting me focus on the game than the way the vignette effect warns you without actually diverting your attention away from anything. A stamina bar slowly diminishing does not grab my attention, and requires me to actively check it. In addition, the sway of your weapon is another native and constant reminder of roughly how fatigued you are, without requiring your attention. The vignette and weapon sway practically work on a subconscious level when you get used to them. You intuitively know when you're fatigued in the game without even diverting any real attention to them, because your brain notices them and they don't require you to do something out of the ordinary (look at a bar) and make a judgement (how full is it).

  4. Guys, please be considerate of users who are using color themes other than the default. Coloring that text grey makes it look like this in my browser:


    I don't see the purpose of making that text a different color than default. I'm not sure if rule §12 applies but I and others who can barely read that would appreciate it.

  5. Wait was sling load offically delayed to after firing from vehicles or something?

    I feel like sling loading might be a bit more useful mission wise, but whatever I guess.

    Thought they had started work on sling load when they hired that new guy, who was supposed to help them right?

    It's not ready for public testing yet. They expected it to be by now, but the programmers involved were focused on fixing desync recently. I don't see anything about it being delayed until after firing from vehicles is staged, or any other info on a timeline for that matter.

  6. Okay, so in a nutshell the answer is that you defend the intentions, not the implementation.

    Sorry, I guess I misinterpreted your post a bit. The implementation is another matter indeed, but it's also one that seems far more subjective. Either you like the way it "feels" and think it's a good way to recreate the difficulty of aiming and steadying a weapon, or you do not. I don't see much value in stating justifications or rationalizations for something that is so personal. Can doing so actually change whether someone likes the way it feels or not?

    I didn't intend to get into a discussion on the mechanics you delve into, so I'll politely bow out and let others respond. You raise some decent points, but I want to stress again that these mechanics are not meant to look or act like the real life version. The focus is on the end result of making shooting difficult but in an understandable way that you can get good at with practice.

  7. I've seen a lot of people simply dismissing critics out of hand and fervently defending BIS' 'vision' of what they want with no real justification or rationale behind their responses.

    Most of the justification and rationale is right in the OPREP. In short, it's about diversification of weapons and loadouts. Your choice of weapon and gear have significamt impacts on how you can perform on the battlefield, where before there was no reason to not simply grab the most powerful weapon. This is BIS's goal.

    the game now diverges from actual shooting methodology.

    By design. A game can never recreate actual shooting methodology, and BIS has decided to not attempt doing so. They said this themselves in the OPREP:

    "In short: mouse-controlled weapon movements can never exactly represent the handling of real firearms. Because of this, we decided to avoid blindly adhering to the specific mechanics of physical simulation and, rather, focus more upon the experience of selecting, using and mastering firearms."

    Furthermore, those who are defending sway using the pithy statement "Go back to CoD" to dismiss criticism are ignoring that the current sway and inertia mechanics are just as artificial as any mechanic in BF4 or CoD. They bear no relation to actual weapon handling, being arbitrary values picked to enforce a certain play style upon players.

    "Go back to CoD" is definitely not something that belongs in this thread or any other, but I don't very much like "it forces a certain play style" either. It diversifies play styles. Without making weapons that handle very differently in real life handle differently in the game, players have no reason to not choose the most powerful and high capacity gun in any situation, CQB or ranged. What good is player choice if there is one choice that is better than all the others? Now a player's choice to use an SMG with holosight in a CQB environment has distinct advantages. Before, a Zafir would be just as easy to use and thus there was not reason not to use it since it has a clear advantage in stopping power and no downside.

    Explain this to me: How is BIS enforcing a certain playstyle by giving unique advantages to the weapons that were previously worse in every way compared to the big rifles and LMGs? If anything it's doing the opposite. If you're looking at a Zafir and a Vectyr in an ammo crate and are about to clear some buildings, your choice is obvious if the Zafir has zero disadvantages compared to the Vectyr in terms of being able to whip around and take down targets quickly in a small space. BIS is trying to give more value to choosing the Vectyr in that situation. This enriches the gameplay. You can still choose the Zafir if you just care about stopping power and want to spray like a maniac, and that certainly has its own advantages, but now the Vectyr has advantages too. This is diverse gameplay and it's exactly what Arma is about.

  8. CaptainObvious is right. There is no one single pivot point when you're holding a weapon. More importantly, the deviation of the tip is a result of rotational and translational movement. It is possible for the barrel to deviate half an inch to the left, without the gun actually rotating around any pivot point anywhere on your body. Let's not forget the point of stability is the ground, and there are dozens of movable joints in your body that lead from the ground to the weapon. All manner of rotational and translational movement occurs.

  9. Asking for time/speed is trolling? This discussion is entirely about time/speed/distance. Your point is not proven unless you can show that their sprints are the same as Arma's sprints. Their sprints might be as fast as Arma's jogging. Then you're throwing in extra factors to muddy the comparison, and draw a conclusion from it. Proof is hard data and proper comparisons.

  10. I ignored you because, like others here, you seem to have an unfriendly and aggressive disposition about you, a disposition that won't lead to anything useful. Let me show you what I mean:

    I acknowledge that BIS is doing a good job on some parts of the game, yes..and I'm *guessing* (without knowing) that they are doing the best they can, with what they have...but I don't know that for sure. I can only try to avoid assuming something negative, which is why I bring up the concern, as it doesn't immediately make any sense to me and I can't deduce a hypothetical reason that seems satisfying enough, thus I come here to ask questions.

    What kind of answer do I honestly expect? An honest one...what more could I hope for? If you think I'm some sort of outrage-seeking and entitlement-induced teenager, you couldn't be more wrong. I am an honest customer, seeking honest answers and I sort of only get the feeling like there is resentment coming my way, for that reason, from people like you.

    This is sort of backed up by your presumption that what I'm likely looking for is, as you exemplified, "because BIS doesn't care much about it" and the rest of those absurd examples you brought up, so frankly, get off my back.

    "putting these issues in the form of questions and expecting meaningful answers will get you nowhere." - Why not? What on earth happened to the fundamentals of inquiry that allows everyone to ask questions and get meaningful answers? Who decided this is no longer valid? You? I really do not understand this passive-aggressive resentment towards honest and unassuming inquiry - in fact I find it rather unpleasant because I don't think I deserve that sort of treatment.

    I don't see anything unfriendly or aggressive about my responses. Perhaps because it's not what you want to hear? I don't know, but you seem to be lumping me into a group of people that you've encountered in the past that I do not feel I'm a part of.

    I think you're missing the meaning of my "what answer do you expect" point. By no means was I discouraging the very act of asking questions. It's the kind of questions you are asking that don't really have a meaningful answer. I asked you what kind of answer you expected because I was trying to demonstrate the fact that there really is no answer to a question like "why isn't the game more optimized". By meaningful answer, I mean one that isn't just "because it's difficult, because we don't have the resources, etc". By the way, that essentially is the answer to that question. If it wasn't difficult or time-consuming, it would be done. Tell me where you will get if BIS tells you the game isn't as optimized as you'd like because optimization in a game like Arma is complicated and resource-intensive. This has nothing to do with honesty. Nobody, including you I hope, has brought BIS's honesty into question.

    An example of a question with a meaningful answer is one like "why is there a button in the map that magically directs your view toward your rough location, without a GPS?" The answer would have substance because apparently somebody at BIS made a design decision to include this function, and they would be able to explain their reasoning. Nobody decided to make Arma poorly optimized. There are no explanations beyond the obvious. That is the point I was making to you, and if you find my manner hostile (I really don't see how) then I apologize.

  11. I'm skeptical of the accuracy in that diagram. I believe that the tips of the chevrons are indeed 300 600 800 1000, but the bottoms don't seem like what you describe.


    Here the red lines are 100m intervals. If they were accurate, they would be more evenly spaced, with the spacing getting larger as you go down.

  12. Another point is lots of people download the mission but very few say thanks or provide feedback.

    Really frustrating for mission maker.

    This is simply the nature of people, really. But workshop missions actually have a big advantage over typical web downloads in this particular area, because at the end of every mission there's a handy button to take you right to the workshop page for rating and commenting.
