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Posts posted by vegeta897

  1. Well considering that ArmAIII should have been released originally in 2012, I assume it will be somewhat optimized already. Otherwise they should not release it as an alpha that you can buy, but release it for free under a select group of testers till it is optimized enough for a public release. If it runs horrible while they release it on Steam then BIS can expect a shitload of negativity on the hub and forum (knowing the Steam whiners a bit). Personally I will be spending most time in the editor where the FPS is not relevant, Im just glad I can finally check it out!

    You can't fully optimize a game in-house or with a limited group of testers. It would cost far too many resources. Part of the goal of the alpha is to improve performance. With a large selection of players, they get to see how the game runs on all different combinations of hardware, which is simply not possible to do by themselves or privately. (unless you're a huge company and have lots of funding)

  2. Seems like after awhile the zombies dont respawn if they are meant to, or very few do.

    Had my server up for a few hours, 40 zombies per km and 25 min spawn radius.

    After a hour or so after many of them had been killed, not many more showed up at all sometimes even for 20+ minutes.

    I too have experienced this.

    And also, time of day gets out of sync between the host and the clients.

  3. c) Never seen this bug. I've played a lot of hours in LAN with other people. Has anyone else experienced it? Maybe its a network thing for you? Not sure. I don't mess with getting out of vehicles at all.

    This continues to happen, and it seems to get worse as the mission goes on. I'm guessing it's related to the CPU load on the host player. We tried playing with someone else hosting and he said the same problem was happening to him, and everything was fine for me as a client.

    We're only playing with Tiny vehicle amount and 20 zombies per km.

  4. Played for like 3 hours straight with a few other people. Great fun!

    There seemed to be some bugs with the side missions. Pretty much upon arriving at the destination of the "clear the base" or "kill the horde" it said success, and weird things happened like civilians spawning and despawning, and zombies too.

    Also, when set for everyone to spawn together, it always spawned us in the same place in Chernarus, which was inside a building (not a building with an interior either, literally inside the model and we had to jump out of it) in Novy Sobor. I don't know if it's supposed to be random every time you start the mission, but it kept starting us there every time we played on Chernarus, and all respawns were there too.

    I've also had a bug since .85, and I was the only one who was getting it (I was the host) where I would have to click "get out" like 5 times just to get out of a vehicle, and then a few seconds after i was out it would play the "getting out" animation again and i'd be frozen for a few seconds. This didn't happen on other normal missions.

  5. I'd like to say that this mission is brilliant, and looking to be exactly the kind of thing I've been dying for in a zombie arma experience.

    One thing that would be great is if a player who spawns in a random location wouldn't have his map centered on where he is when he opens it. Kind of defeats the purpose of being stranded and having to figure out where you are and where you need to go.

    Other than that, I'm looking forward to respawn and ACE compat. in the next release! Keep up the awesome work.

  6. I am not sure what your problem is. The major issues that you think would take place only take place if the 225 sqaure mile map is actually fully populated with people. Which it is not.

    Now it only takes slightly (note the slightly) more memory. Be aware that the game does not render the entire map in full.

    This man speaks the truth.

    The only downside to huge maps is they'll take a little longer to load, but in-game performance should not be affected since only your immediate area is rendered/simulated.

  7. Ok, I've added a file called csj_addons.rar to ARMANAM...


    CSJ'S ADDONS => includes the remaining files for his island and the Unsung server BIKEY ~109mb

    Should eliminate any island errors people are receiving...

    Negative, I'm running all 5 addon 7zips plus the extra files you just posted, and I'm still getting the missing lowlands addon when I try to start a mission.

    Someone said they put a DL for lowlands on the front page, but I don't see it anywhere.

  8. My friends and I have been playing ACE Takistan Domination lately with this mod (animalmother's version, though we haven't tried this newest one) and we found target towns to be rather empty, with empty UAZ's and static weapons everywhere.

    The same sort of thing happens in other missions. We'll have a huge battle when taking the first objective, but then the other objectives are practically unguarded. It's like everyone on the map is drawn to the battle instead of staying where they are.

    Is this updated GLx supposed to fix that? Has anyone else had this problem?
