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Posts posted by vegeta897

  1. Strongly agree with NodUnit. Adding another degree of movement/positioning freedom (tool-assisted) is a great thing for Arma. There are so many rooftops and rock faces that are inaccessible currently, and being able to grapple (with proper restrictions, including your equipment weight) would really be cool. It reminds me of a feature I've always wanted in Arma, which is being able to climb trees with low hanging limbs.

  2. I just don't see any reason for BIS to charge for something like that after how much they've reinforced "features are free" as a DLC strategy. I'm not saying I wouldn't pay for it if I had a Rift, but a quick look through the replies in the thread I linked covers the reasons pretty well.

    I might also mention that Dean Hall of DayZ's dev team at BIS has mention several times wanting to have Rift support, and he certainly would not want to charge for it there, so it would be a bit nonsensical to charge for it in one game and not another, under the same company.

  3. What? There are plenty of football fields across Altis. Also, it could be expanded.

    But they're still all football fields. A rectangular area. That isn't very diverse. And you don't play football for the field, like you play karts for the track. Football isn't exactly a game that takes advantage of what Arma offers, like Zeus and Karts do.

    That's s Finally, I don't think anyone here is actually taking this seriously as a DLC, so do please just relax.

    Not in this very thread, but on Twitter and Facebook there are people losing their shit. I'm trying to do what I said, nipping it in the bud, before a serious discussion begins about it. I'm not directly speaking to anyone in this thread, but rather speaking on the topic in general, since I've already seen plenty of people overreacting to it. I've read enough angry reactions in this very thread to the Karts DLC, from people who legitimately think BIS doesn't care about Arma being a milsim anymore, and those people would be perfectly capable of believing BIS would add something like this to the game. I wanted to say something before they even posted. There's no harm in that. I'm also quite relaxed, thank you :)

  4. Are you guys sure that isn't the recently released soccer (futbol) mission from the community member?

    BI has been known to dl community missions and have fun with them :)

    Maybe another karts-esque thing made for fun by a dev, dobutfully it would be dlc. probably a free mission lol

    If it was from that mission, credit would have been given and a link to the mission, as has been done before.

    It's just some character posing, as far as I can tell. Actually making soccer playable in Arma that doesn't feel janky as hell would be a ton of work to achieve something BIS would want to put their name on.

  5. Probably took less than an hour to create that screenshot, and there is not even a hint of anything being announced as a DLC or even a free thing like Zeus. Let's nip this in the bud and not start acting like it's something that could actually happen, because that's how rumors begin. Karts was a different story because there was an actual model created for it, and although it wasn't intended as DLC when revealed either, it made a little more sense because the game already has vehicles, and a new vehicle isn't a radical addition. Actually creating an entirely new set of animations, more controls, and god knows what else just to create proper soccer player handling would be serious engine-changing work, not something somebody could do in their spare time like a go-kart model. Not to mention, it does not at all fit with the Arma philosophy, as it's a pretty limited concept. At least with Karts, BIS has turned every island into a potential racetrack. The roads and urban areas in Altis turned out to be excellent places to race gokarts. And the karts could be used in other missions, as well as the addition of the checkpoint race modules which made racing missions easier to create (and racing missions have always been a small fun part of the arma series).

  6. That last part reminds me of the excellent "Escape" missions from Arma II (there are Arma 3 versions as well) which I enjoyed a lot.

    Yes indeed, Escape Chernarus was my favorite mission of all, and I've played it with my friends on Altis many times too. Pure emergent gameplay.

  7. I finally beat this mission today. My god, was it challenging. I was lucky enough to find an empty Gorgon, but found that enemy attack helicopters were a big problem. I had to reload a dozen times before I both found the body and made it back to my boat.

    The final stretch to the boat was the most difficult. I decided to adopt a strategy that involved driving along the coast the whole way to get to where I left my boat. This minimized exposure to any hostile vehicles on the land. In the last 10 minutes, the chopper appeared, and it was beginning to strafe me. Panicking, I unleashed all of my AP rounds, but only scored a few hits. I quickly switched to the AT and fired, desperately trying to guide the missile towards this death machine bearing down at me. The chopper looked like it began firing rockets at me, but my missile struck it an instant after, obliterating it. It fell into the sea and my vehicle was still okay.

    I thought I was home free, but right as I reached the boat, I started taking fire from what seemed like a machine gun. Looking around frantically, my turret suddenly locked up. Damn! They disabled it. I jumped out and hit the dirt (well, the sand) and found what was attacking me. It was a static MG. I scoped in with my G3 and unleashed a barrage of fire. After downing the gunner, I took a few pot shots at the other men nearby (it was a camp) but decided to just finish this. I ran to the boat and loaded the body, and a wave of relief washed over me as MISSION SUCCESS covered the screen.

    The whole play session was almost 3 hours, and it was totally worth it. Excellent mission.

  8. "Many" could mean anything from 100 to 10000, so let's not start an argument there. That aside, the amount of female players should not be a deciding factor in the choice to include females in a video game. It's simply a matter of a believable setting.

  9. Sorry, perhaps I spoke a bit brashly, because you're taking my post a bit more literally than I intended. Of course there are going to be random occurrences where you're killed while in relative safety. You're never invincible no matter how cautiously you play. My point was more oriented against the people that get angry every time they die without knowing where the enemy was, or if they were killed "too quickly" for it to feel "fair", without actually considering the factors that may have lead to their death. I guess I'm just saying that I put an emphasis on trying to analyze what happened when I died instead of simply blaming aimbot AI, or something.

  10. What? Is there any explanation on this? Will this open a video in the steam overlay browser?


    Made some testing:

    openYoutubeVideo "SomeString"; will open youtube.com/SomeString in the steamoverlay browser.

    So openYoutubeVideo "watch?v=uC-yX5pFAUw"; will open

    Probably will be used as part of the DLC notifications?

  11. Let's not confuse laziness with compromises. If they took the time to add everything the community ever requested, the game would still be in development as we speak. Keep the faith in BIS and they will continue to slowly bring what we want. Shooting from vehicles and a 3D editor are confirmed on the way. These are long-requested features and they are coming for free. Let's not toss the word 'lazy' around.

  12. I feel like I shouldn't even continue dignifying Wiki's post by to responding to it again, but let's also not forget that men bring their own set of problems to war that women do not. I'm sure I don't need to go into detail here.

  13. Is loading saves in this mission completely broken for anyone else? Whether it's a church auto-save or manual save, I cannot successfully load after dying. Usually what happens is I'm presented with the starting options window again, but I can't click anything. If I hit escape, the window disappears, leaving me to look at that starting camera view, and then I can't do anything. I have to end the process to leave the game. And when I go back in, my saves are gone.

    After this happened a few times, I tried just starting a new game, then saving through the menu, and trying to load that. Upon loading, the mission immediately ended with a debriefing. I hit continue and am taken back to the scenario list. When I hit resume on the mission, after a second it just pops me back to the scenario list again.

    I did not have any of these problems the last time I played, a few months ago.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, I'm on the dev branch.

  14. Shouldn't recoil go down automatically?Instead of having to correct each shoot with your hand?

    In real life it goes back without each shot correction.Am I right?

    I think the idea is that your real life natural reaction to bring the gun back to its original position should be emulated as the same reaction of doing it with your mouse. I naturally bring my mouse down to adjust for recoil, as I would naturally bring a real life weapon down. I much prefer this over having the game do it perfectly for me every time. Adds a bit more skill to it.
