The mod looks great! It's nice to see someone putting the Crye chassis in-game.
I only have one small criticism: The armor is too low on the chest. If you look at yourself with your shirt off in the mirror, the top of the plate is supposed to cover up to your "sternal notch" or the spot where your collarbones meet.
Otherwise, it looks perfect.
Thanks again for your work!
Just a quick note on that video guys: The shooter was not shouldering that AK properly. He has the stock too high and too far out from his centerline. As a result, the recoil you see in the video is going to be exagerated.
If the weapon is held with the stock on the upper right pectoral (for a righty), the whole rear of the stock in the shoulder, with nothing elevated above, the elbows tucked in, and the left hand with a more aggressive grip higher in relation to the boreline and farther out, the weapon won't bounce all over the place and twist like it did in the video.
Military folks who don't pay attention may shoot like that, but recoil won't look like that with the squared away guys shooting.
Do a search for Magpul Dynamics on Youtube and you should be able to find a slo-mo of a shooting instructor firing a rifle properly.
I don't shoot like that and I don't want my alter ego doing it in my game either. It's enough to give a shooter/instructor nightmares. :D