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That guy Over there

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About That guy Over there

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    Gem i don't know i ain't tellin you.......*CoughPEDIPHILECough*

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    i liek games
  1. That guy Over there

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    that is what he told me.
  2. That guy Over there

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    Is there a non-ace version of Degeneration, I do not want to go through the hap hazard of installing ACE again....
  3. That guy Over there

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    I can't find the Degen download, where might I download this mod? also, does this mod use Zombies (Slow) or Infected (Fast)?
  4. That guy Over there

    ARMA2 [FMP] FullMetalPanic Addon Relase

    Found some problems For one, it seems when you are getting hit by any sort of damage, a blue shield comes up, and it prevents shooting, and explosion within the shield will kill you. This problem only occurs with robots with "shields" The second being that, as hadoancuong said, the AI for these robots are really bad, as enemy and ally robots will do nothing but stand there I hope to see these problems rectified in the future great mod.
  5. That guy Over there

    Predator Mod

    it did, thanks alot :) but I ran into a couple problems to :( for one, I can't seem to take out the wristblades and for two, for some odd reason, my predator will "jump" at a tree for no reason, and I will be unable to move, only way out is to turn invisible, but even then, sometimes I will die randomly at the ocean, or, another "me" will appear.
  6. That guy Over there

    Predator Mod

    I seem to have a problem with the predators upon moving, I go into an infinite loop of shaders my movement keys are W S D A, and I am new to this "User action keys" thing.
  7. That guy Over there

    The Undead Mod

    Is there a Script that's kinda like a reverse Safe-Zone a Quarantine so that It keeps Zombies spawned In The Quarantine, In (Unable to leave) And It deactivates If all Blufor/Opfor Soldiers are Dead/Undead
  8. That guy Over there

    The Undead Mod

    It does run properly, I have played It on OA/CO (They don't have issues killing or anything) The only thing Is that It Is rather silly seeing US Army Soldiers and Takistan Civilians Turn Into USMC Undead soldiers and Chernarus Civilians Respectively :D
  9. That guy Over there

    “liberation 1941-1945�

    Will there be OA Compatibility?
  10. That guy Over there

    The Undead Mod

    HOORAY!!! Now It will be interesting playing as a Zed
  11. That guy Over there

    The Undead Mod

    Thats a Darn shame, I was really hoping for a OA Version.
  12. Alright! but, Will only the default Units be Infectible or will any Unit (Custom or Not) be able to get Infected? (Sorry for so many questions)
  13. Okay, but will the Zombies/Infected/Whatever be able to Run into the house and attack those hiding In there?
  14. Will there be Zombie Textures? ya know, Like blood on Clothes?
  15. That guy Over there

    The Undead Mod

    I think I know why 0.85 Is taking so long, I believe Charon was waiting on Operation Arrowhead to make Compatibility Changes (Zombie Units for OA, Bugs with OA, ya know), But that's just my guess