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Everything posted by chelentano

  1. chelentano

    cant change difficult on showcase

    twisted. Confirm a problem.
  2. MadsHilde. Confirm a problem.
  3. Perhaps the use of parameter-maxVRAM = in case of error https://dev-heaven.net/issues/24675??
  4. chelentano

    AMD GPU 6900 Series issues?

    Similar problems on crossfire radeon HD5850. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24675
  5. chelentano

    Sound Of Anders (soundmod)

    Thank you for your work. With best wishes from Russia.
  6. Please could you upload them somewhere else. The @CSM2OA.7z file is unreachable in Russia. Regards, CHELENTANO
  7. Please could you upload them somewhere else. The @CSM2OA.7z file is unreachable in Russia. Regards, CHELENTANO