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About Contractor

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    RE: The Freetrack poll

    Well a noob to this technology. I've actually been in IT for 23 years. The discussion has been heated at times from both sides. I don't wish to add any fuel to any fire from either party. I would just like to say regardless of the technical investment required I don't understand why this vendor is suporting a commercially available option while shirking a similar open source project. The only time I have seen this in the past is where there has been an explicit 'partnership' between both vendors. To date I haven't seen this statement. While I understand and support capitalism, there has to be some reason, whether it be personal or from monatory gain why this open and 'free' technology is being forsaken in favor of a specific and propriortary (sp?) vendor. I really don't care to be honest. While most Free-Track users have opted to still purchase this title, I have opted to skip it in favor of other vendors who fully support the user community. Free-track is not really 'free'. People still have to purchase webcams, Bluetooth adapters etc.. If I were to add up my time trying to digest and decypher all the bits and pieces, sourcing and constructing what I need it is far from 'free'. We are still contributing to the global economy but not through one specific vendor. I can well afford pretty much any technology I want. I prefer to support open source projects for several reasons. Besides enjoying the challenge and satisfaction of participating in these projects, I also recognize that similar types of projects in the past have greatly influenced, in a positive way, the technological landscape as we see it today. I will support this title/vendor when/if they decide to accomodate the whole user community to move this technology ahead and not just those with specific interests in monopolizing the market. There are perhaps many people like me who prefer to lurk in the background and not get involved with the 'issue de jour'. Participation in any given forum doesn't demonstrate specific numbers of users. I would propose the numbers here are merely the tip of the iceberg in-so-far as a demographic goes. Thank you, Signed, Just one lost customer. (But no worries.. it's just ONE customer.... )