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Everything posted by -EI-Crazycow

  1. Thanks for the answer Dwarden, any idea about the 2nd matter?
  2. Hi, Please help me to solve this matter, I'm going crazy and can't understand why... One of my clan member bought A2 and then A2 OA via Steam, Installed A2, then Installed A2 OA After checked that everything is set to run as admin, and nothing like firewall mess with A2 and OA Launch A2 Launch A2 OA Launch A2 OA CO via Steam launch menu. (the popup that appears after double click on desktop "Launch Arma 2 OA" icon ) First matter: In the "Expansions" menu there is both "arma2" that Arma2 and can't deactivate one of them. Second trouble: All seems ok, version 1.56, try to join server, ok he can choose a role in the briefing room, press ok, receiving mission data, and then: Red Chain, no message received from server until it disconnect and back again on server list. I've noticed that he was able to play on our server on OA maps, on other servers he could play a DM map (don't know wich) but just for a while. He absolutely can't play, Domination and Warfare, and in some server he is also not able to receive mission data. I suppose that there is some mess with CO, i can't explain in different ways how is possible that he could join and play just our server for example, and have red chain just when he finish to download mission data on all other server. Please help me to keep my friend Eddy active player on A2 OA!
  3. Sounds good! The PR.IT members that already have Arma2 CO will be happy to take part!
  4. Hi to all, I have a question that is driving me crazy... I'm creating a coop mission using Isla Duala and PEDAGNE mod. I've set as first target to destroy a radar antenna called "Radar" in editor. To destroy Radar, the units have to move using road veichles like jeeps or truck or APC, cause I want that if they using flying vehicles the Radar will alert OPFOR that will attack an hostage situation with heli and SU-34. So, I've placed a trigger "detected by OPFOR" around OPFOR airfield that let SU34 and heli attack hostage once BLUFOR were detected, and this situation is for task n°2 (destroy OPFOR airforce). Now how could I create a trigger that force mission failed end if Radar is still alive and BLUFOR flying veichles is into trigger zone? (I create a Trigger like a "strip" crossing Duala from East to West between obj1 and obj2, just like a real no-fly zone) How could I deactivate this trigger just when Radar is no more alive? BLUFOR flying veichles is named "eli1" "eli2" and "eli3" Thanks a lot for answers and sorry if this situation is also explained before but after 2 hours reading i couldn't find an appropriate answer, and I'm still so noob with editor (this is my first coop on A2, previously a made a small AAS using PvP script pack)
  5. Thanks for your answers, I will try later and let you know if it works!
  6. Thanks for the answer but I just want to force end mission just if BLUFOR heli are presents into trigger zone, no matter if they are flying at a certain altitude. And the most important aspect i guess is how i can eliminate the trigger until radar is alive. Just a sort of "green light" for take off...