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Everything posted by templargfx

  1. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Ill be getting ARMA2 through steam. I buy all my games through steam nowadays, not because steam is cool (I actually hate steam) but it means if I go my parents, I dont need to bother taking a disc and installing it. I just run steam :P once purchased Ill post in the proper forums :P
  2. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    DR choppers HAVE rocket pods!? lol
  3. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    you know what I found funny about that 500+ long bug list thing : number of officially recognised bugs in ARMA2 : 500+ number of officially recognised bugs in OFP DR : 0 BIS communicate and listen to the community CM do not, if they did, there would be a bug list for almost every aspect of the game. and it would probably far exceed the ARMA2 bug list :) plus I'd rather the developer officially list every friggin tiny bug they can in a list, this way you know they are aware of even the little things
  4. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    yeah I paid for it. and I picked up in the first week of release, plus i got it for the SP experience, which is good. If I was thinking about buying it today on the other hand, I probably wouldnt
  5. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    that sounds interesting indeed. what are these modules? pre-packaged scripts and sequences and scripted AI events to fill your levels with detail that would otherwise take an age to do manually?
  6. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    really the only reason I am still "pro DR" is because CM are talking directly to me with regards to opening up modding. if this wasnt happening, I would have dropped the game after the first patch came out. whats the SP like in Arma2? I'm not much of a MP person, when I used to play ARMA online, the servers were just full of RAMBO idiots that ran for the helicopters the second the game started, or take the HUMMERS with just one person aboard, leaving the rest of the team to hoof it on foot.
  7. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    unfortunately Im still not convinced enough to buy this game (arma 2) I bought ARMA1 and it was buggy as hell. when Arma 2 came out, I downloaded the demo and it was just as bad as ARMA1, but prettier. people have since told me the game has greatly improved with all the patches, but the demo hasnt been updated to reflect the changes. and I'm not willing to shell out AU$80 on it.
  8. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    If you look at that poll, I am not the only one to have been able to play on a full server. and considering the fact that you open admit you never even played the game, or opened the box. how can you judge it? Coming on to another forum to continue to insult me is not very mature. CM didnt ask or hint at me to hold the fort. I am just having fun poking the fundemental flaw in peoples argument regarding dedicated servers for that game. and the fact that they all get so angry just makes it even more entertaining for me. I have called CM dispicable, down right dirty, and many other things in the past for many of there actions. people just seem to focus on my apparent fan-boyism because it goes against there opinion. oh and hi :P