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Everything posted by templargfx

  1. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    hahaha, thats what I get for making a video at 1:30am I wish I could say it was on purpose
  2. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    if you want to want know how accurate the AI are, only pay attention to Hardcore configuration, as the blocker is not effecting anything but the first bullet
  3. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I dont think most people are holding out anymore, although a few strangely do... I will continue playing and making stuff for the game even if CM COMPLETELY drop all support, I was pretty sure after getting patch 1, and talking to CM that they werent going to do alot. But hey I love the game so I wont stop playing just because CM wont improve it! Thought you guys would like this : ev4JIXFKmgo CM should have really made difficulty levels!
  4. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I wish the developers would help me sometimes, as I often run into undocumented limitations, but there help is really just them running it through some type of extended debugger and giving me the output. then I find a work around to the issue I have encountered. So far they havent ever actually given me any code or anything. To be honest, half the time I wonder if they actually know anything about there own engine :p
  5. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    &reg2=All&game2=Operation+Flashpoint+2%3A+Dragon+Rising+-+PS3[23422]&reg3=All&game3=&weeks=20&weekly=1"]working URL for the charts copy the whole line, bullshit hey
  6. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    and Where did I "announce" my expertise hey? If you were paying any attention at all, you would know that from day one I have always said DR has nothing to do with Operation Flashpoint. And that I DO NOT think its a successor. GOD your like a little child that will say anything to win an argument, even one thats not even there
  7. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    people playing MP, and people modding, have nothing to do with people buying the game. 20,000 sales per week is pretty good for something that is apparently so shit no one would want to play it
  8. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    its not an MP game only you know. I've played about 10 hours of MP in total. and I run the game almost daily. and its not that I cant play MP cos its P2P either.
  9. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    stop assuming things when you make comparisons jeez :j: And why do you feel you need to compare anyway? Got tired of saying that the two arent comparable. which is all this thread (and you people) were saying 50+ pages ago. You assume support is going to be dropped, just like people assumed before the first patch that support was going to be dropped after it came out. What do you base this assumption on? whimsical flights-of-fancy? or fact? You know, if you look out into the gaming world, outside of the BIS community, Dragon Rising was pretty well accepted. It's continued increasing sales seems to suggest that people in general like it.
  10. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I'll slot you into the "mature" arma2 fan list then
  11. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Some people do just like it you know, and they are allowed to, without you insulting there intelligence. (and funnily enough you just end up insulting yours)
  12. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    you mean AH-6J right? thats whats in the game.
  13. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    There is a Silenced M4A1, a Silenced M16A4, and a Silenced MK16
  14. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    </ParamSet> <ParamSet NestedAs="Scope" ID="63789196266203220"> <Param Name="attachBone" Group="StandardScope" Type="string" Value="bone_anpas13" Flags="1" Description="Bone on the weapon to attach the scope to" /> <Param Name="scopeName" Group="StandardScope" Type="string" Value="w_scp_anpas13e" Flags="1" Description="Name of the renderable object" /> <Param Name="TwoDScopeOSD" Type="shortname" Value="Thermal" Description="Does this scope use a 2D OSD?" /> </ParamSet> that is all that was added to the already existing m4a1 stealth to give it a thermal, I simply posted the entire weapon so I didnt get stupid questions like "where do I put it" blah blah
  15. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    the dispersion radius is only maxed out for smoke, as far as I can tell, bushes and grass has absolutely no effect on the AI in DR. I asked the Dev's for clarification, but have thus far gotten no response back. What makes no sense to me is that the AI uses raycasting for its vision, which means it should be able to take grass and bushes into account with very little increase in resource loading. Perhaps they were pushing the very limits of consoles?
  16. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    it really annoys me when people make such huge glaring leaps of assumptions and state them as fact. If you ever played DR with my ultimate AI mod and the Hardcore DS addon, you would see that the dispersion shield could very well be added to reduce difficulty (regardless of platform), playing with the afformentioned add-ons and the game is well nigh impossible to beat. much harder than anything I've experienced in ARMA. Its not due to the ai "cheating" but due to the fact that they are as good (regular ai) a shot as you are, and every bullet counts. I wish people would stop making such huge assumptions "CM did this for that reason" unless you have proof, you should state it as being your opinion only
  17. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    The primary issue with the AI in Dragon Rising, is actually nothing to do with the AI itself. you've seen it mentioned a few times, it is the Dispersion Shield, alot of people dont know, or mis understand what this does. It is the biggest flaw (gameplay wise) in my opinion for the game. When I released the Ultimate AI mod for DR back when it first came out, this was the primary "tangible" change you would notice while actually playing. each weapon type has several settings : <drblock weapon="WEAPON_TYPE_SUBMACHINE_GUN" plyrFilterStart="80.f" plyrFilterEnd="0.f" plyrSustain="4" plyrFade="20" plyrProneFilter="60.f" aiFilterStart="25.f" aiFilterEnd="0.f" aiSustain="4" aiFade="10" /> <drblock weapon="WEAPON_TYPE_ASSAULT_RIFLE" plyrFilterStart="80.f" plyrFilterEnd="0.f" plyrSustain="4" plyrFade="20" plyrProneFilter="60.f" aiFilterStart="25.f" aiFilterEnd="0.f" aiSustain="4" aiFade="10" /> <drblock weapon="WEAPON_TYPE_MACHINE_GUN" plyrFilterStart="80.f" plyrFilterEnd="0.f" plyrSustain="4" plyrFade="20" plyrProneFilter="60.f" aiFilterStart="25.f" aiFilterEnd="0.f" aiSustain="4" aiFade="10" /> <drblock weapon="WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE" plyrFilterStart="80.f" plyrFilterEnd="0.f" plyrSustain="4" plyrFade="20" plyrProneFilter="50.f" aiFilterStart="25.f" aiFilterEnd="0.f" aiSustain="4" aiFade="10" /> this is the settings from the "Improved DS" addon for that mod. the settings are as follows : plyrFilterStart - this is the starting percentage for the DS filter plyrFilterEnd - this is the lowest percentage the DS filter can go down to plyrSustain - this is the amount of time that the filter will stay at the start amount before lowering to end amount plyrFade - this is the amount of time it takes for the filter to go from start to end, and back again plyrProneFilter - this is the mininum filter percentage when the player is prone. the filter is the percentage chance that a bullet that strikes the DR shield will be blocked by the shield, rather than hitting the player and wounding him. these number are not absolute however, there are a sh*t tonne of modifiers that change the effectiveness (lower the percentage) of the shield. this is why 1 shot from a 50 cal doesnt miss 80% of the time for example. By default, the players filter does not drop below 80% (base) this is a huge part of why the AI seem to not be able to hit the side of a barn. the changes I made above, meant that the first few shots can be blocked, but the filter will very quickly go all the way down to 0. Unforunately it seems CM has no intention of changing this .-=edit=-. got some of the settings mixed up. fixed
  18. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    ---------edit as off topic-------------
  19. templargfx

    Wings Of Prey

    this game works amazingly with Nvidia's 3D Vision. quite a trip I can tell you!
  20. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    you all need to learn to listen to your moderators. and luhgnut, you obviously cant read, I said I dont feel ripped off enough to troll a forum. firstly, I was talking about DR, and secondly. if you call my posts troll posts, then my "trolling" here has nothing to do with feeling ripped off. but you knew that, you just want to continue your personal bash session, despite the VERY clear warning above
  21. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Whats really sad about the whole situation is how simple it would have been for them to make it possible, the mission editor that is included with the PC can have a text file created which enables the options for exporting to the consoles, the packaging application is not included, so although the mission is exported, it is not packed up into a format ready for the console you exported for. CM could have very easily given this application along with the mission editor, and a very quick and slight adjustment to the code of the game to have it search the memory card/hard drive in a specific location for mission files would have allowed console users to download and play PC missions. I guess the reason this was not done is due to the instability of the engine on consoles? Obviously I have no idea about this, but considering the stability of the game on a PC which is much more powerful, it is the likely reason. Im glad to see at least one of you bothered to read the thread :p
  22. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Because this is the world of XBOX Live and PSN Networks where Microsoft and Sony want to dip there hands in everything :p
  23. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    those who came to the CM forums and posted in unrelated threads in which I was active, attempting to continue flaming me once they realised I had stopped reading my first thread were certainly following ME I modified my post, because as someone stated its against the rules to talk about that. I love the fact that a heap you seem to have nothing more to do than search the CM forums for my posts to comment on them here
  24. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    up to you. Its just something that I have always wondered about. Your reason is the reason I thought myself. but you know, curiosity.. It should look just as awesome in the daytime though, and I'd figure you would see more as, although units are camouflaged, you should be able to see them moving around (providing the camera isnt moving too much)
  25. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I have no idea why people keep bringing my old thread up. an honest question, I know its off topic, but its not worth making a whole thread just for an answer. How come all the youtube videos of really large battles in ARMA2 are all at night time? I cant find any that are done during the day. is there a reason? or did I just miss them?