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Posts posted by irongrip

  1. I once downloaded a mission (from Scripts section of Armaholic???) in which there were four groups that were caused to spawn in when the player walked over each groups respective trigger, which was placed near a pile of backpacks.

    There was a group of soldiers, and a couple vehicle groups, I believe.

    Does this mission ring any bells with anyone? I am trying to find it so that I can use that function, but I have searched Armaholic high and low and I just can't seem to locate it. Where is it?


  2. Thanks, but:

    And I say again, I am NOT talking about radio voices...

    However, my good Catholic friend found the answer:

    Unpacked sounds.pbo with PBOView

    Removed the following files from /characters/noises/damage:

























    Repacked .pbo, problem solved. ArmA 2 is now clean.

    Thank you BIS for such a customizable game and ACE team for muting the evil soldier speech.:)

  3. Alright, audacity kicks major tail, but the challenge now is to locate the specific files that contain the profanity.

    And I say again, I am NOT talking about radio voices, nor when they call out "Wounded!" or "I'm hit!", but the random grunts and groans of injured units, which also contain "$h%t!" and "My f@(&!ng leg!".

    These files are very elusive. I seem to remember seeing a file called "agony.wss", but it would seem that a single file is not what I'm after.

    Nevertheless, does anyone know which .pbo that file is in (I can't seem to find it again), or perhaps know where to find the specific files? Or who to ask?

    Thanks again

  4. Sorry about that; my question didn't seem to fit neatly into any of the subforums.

    I re-installed the game, downloaded PBOview and took a look but I can't seem to find the files linked to the troops speech. I looked first in "characters.pbo, characters2.pbo, language.pbo, languagemissions.pbo, sound.pbo and soundmissions.pbo, then in misc, misc2 and misc3.pbo and NOTHING! All I could find in sounds.pbo are ".wss. files, but I don't know how to manipulate them.

    Still no one knowledgeable enough to help?

  5. I had quit playing Arma2 for a little while due to reasons of conscience, but I think I may have a workaround.

    My problem was all the foul language in the game, but since ACE2 and other updates, most of it is gone, the only thing left (and I would not even consider playing the game around my wife and kids like this) is the injured units and how they often say things like "$h%t that hurt!" or "My f@(&!ng leg!".

    So here is my question: Would the same principle Charon Productions used to modify the sounds for his zombies be applicable to the basic OPFOR units?

    If so, is there anyone who might be able to give me the low down on how I can go about doing this, i.e what tools I must use, files I must edit, etc.?


    EDIT: That is supposed to say BLUFOR units; any and all units at any rate.

  6. You obviously didn't understand the question Grizzle. The issue was not F4, that is just normal waypoints. The issue for ALLOCATED waypoints (waypoints that are fused to a unit - such as a destroy waypoint on an enemy unit or a get in waypoint on an empty vehicle) was

    EDIT: ...It's always the most obvious solution, isn't it... Place unit, press F4, double click directly over the unit when it's name is displayed.

  7. DMC, that was an awesome vibe going for your mission!

    How do you place trucks on their side (I've been searching for this off and on and can't seem to find it anywhere)?

    And how do you get those excellent fire and smoke effects? Edit: (I don't mean the fog, btw - I have figured that one out)

    Can you tell me how in the Editor?

    Lastly, I'd like to know how to use that creepy music. Sorry for all the questions - and believe me I have searched high and low for the answers already.

    Thanks to anyone who knows.

    Edit: figured out the music, fire. Trucks on their sides is all I need and I'm good to go. Anybody?

  8. Will it be possible to set mod's difficulty or change the zombie damage in any way? The zombies look great but don't seem to do a lot of damage to the player.

    Well really, it's just a dead dude, right? His hands aren't made of iron or anything, so...

    Unless you have an iron palm master, his hands are pretty tough, but then what are the chances of finding him in Chernarus?! And killed by infected? I doubt it.

  9. So you are saying you would prefer a release date in late spring or later to be sure to have compatibility with let`s say the 10 most used mods if to achieve that is even possible?

    Well in that case, can you bundle it with Urban Pack, add blood tex to all the vehicles (especially the mountain bike!), fix pathfinding for zombies/infected inside buildings, enable a counter/randomizer for zombie targets, put in a zombie T-rex and refine the script so there will be no lag with 32 players and 1000 zombies?:rolleyes:
