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10 GoodAbout fouba74
My wife ,Military (WW2),gaming,configs,skining. etc etc
Hello. I have a question about the new arma 2 samples models to be precis new arma 2 samples models model.cfg . i cant make them work in the game . What can i do to make them work ?. I only got an error message about wrong class or something . Can anyone tell me how to come around this problem. Or do i have to make a totaly new model.cfg file for the model i whant to use ?. All models works perfect in oxygen2 buldozer but not in the game. Best regards Fouba74
Hello . Is it possible to make material penetrateble ? . i mean like penetrate a concret wall and kill the guy behind it ?. i know it works with some walls inte the game but not all . Or another thing if i use a M107 with armor piercing rounds is it possible to penetrate 2 guys . lets imagen that one guy stand right behind the guy i shot on is it possible to change the flesh material so i kill the other guys too . That is what happends in real life of you shot with armor piercing rounds . it would be nice if someone can make it possible for the game as well :) .. Or if someon can inform me how to make it possible . Best regards Fouba74
Hello !. Is there any sure date for Arma3 ?
hi again:) Yes i can see them in Buldozer that is no problem . But what i mean is if i whant to change a texture for a bis model i mean a binarized one . if i dont remeber wrong there was a viewer tool for Ofp back in the old days who culd show models even if they was binarized . its so damm boring to be forced to load the game all the time just for checking my work . So im looking for a viewer for binarized models. Just a viewer. the goal here is to be able to preview my textures . just like buldozer . Is it any tool who can do that ? .. Best regards fouba74 ---------- Post added at 20:32 ---------- Previous post was at 20:24 ----------
Hi all ! I hope this is the right place for my question :) My question is : is it any program i can download so i can view my texures? . i mean like oxygen 2 viewer . For an example if i whant to make a texture for a Bis model a Odol model . Its so damm boring to be forced to load the game every time i need to chek my textures.. Sorry for my bad english :) Regards Fouba74
Aha ok . Made in Finland . i wish i culd make it but my skills are limited :) . but i will see what i can do :) ..
Hello all of you. Firs of all i dont know if this is right forum page for my question . You know the movie Cobra (sylvester stallone) . What kind of submachinegun is it he use ?. LOL i know its a wird question . But it can be a fun concept if someone want to make it for arma2 :) Regards Fouba74
Hi all! I am not sure if this is the right place for my question . Im working on a model of a Av8b from Arma1 .everything is working now exept for one thing,My crosshair (Bis orginal crosshair) is in wrong position and i cant move it , Or i mean i dont know how to move it . i did try to my my aimpoint point in memory section but nothing happends so can one of you guys tell me how i can move it ? .. Best regards Fouba74
Hello all! :) I have a question for you . Can somebody help me create a model-config for a Harrier. Im working on a new harrier but to be honest i dont really know how to create the model config. So if somebody of you can help me write a model-config for a AV8 i would be very greatful . Best regards Fouba74
Hello! I am not sure this is the right forum for my question.. Anyway is there any way to run of aim shake .I mean when i aim my crosshair on a target my aim start to shake after 5-10 seconds .I know its realistic.But is there anything i can do to turn it off ? mayby some config command or something ? Best regards Fouba74
Crap :( . but why not ? ..Its possible to make knifes works so why not bayonets ?. I mean is it not any strokegun animation in arma2 ?
Here is one new version to my luxs serie http://www.limepic.com/?v=luxsaksu.png Best regards Fouba74 ---------- Post added at 12:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 AM ---------- Guys this luxs serie is my versions of ak74/(maybe ak47 later) , i mean my answer on how i want it to be . i know its not 100% realistic. But its a nice concept .that is what i think at least:). And one more thing .Its possible to buy steel mags to ak74 too . they are of course smaller then the original but they have kinda same look .:rolleyes: Best regards Fouba74
Well Morts. I am not sure yet . I have seen it on some mods . but i have not find anybody to talk to yet about how to do it . Fouba74
Yes the holder will hold it like a weapon with handle ..so it use the new animation.:). Yes i will do my best about the file size :).I will also put in my forgotten readme files too :) Thank you all for trying my addon :) Best regards Fouba74
Hi all. This is my very first beta on this package. Its 3 versions of my lunxs_aks's. Picture: http://www.limepic.com/?v=luxsaks.png All weapons and magazines can be found also in: Empty/Ammo/Lux_Box CLASS NAMES: Aks_74_Lux_Wstock = Aks_74_with wooden stoch and wooden left hand handle. Magazine is normal ak_74 mag for now 30Rnd_545x39_AK.. Aks_74_lux_Marksmans = Sniperversion.Custom stock and grip with exended berrel. Magazine = Luxs_556Mag .. Aks_74_Lux_bayonet = Bayonet fitted version (The bayonet not working yet!) Magazine = 30Rnd_545x39_AK (normal ak mag) Here is the download mirror : http://www.mediafire.com/?24j9z0jr8qd0fch I hope you guys like this concept of addon . I will release updates later with working bayonet and better sounds . Best regards Fouba74