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Everything posted by JibbyJones

  1. I want an opfor podnos group to engage a bluefor group once a bluefor helicopter dies. I don't know much about scipting. The helicopter is named heli1. I made a trigger with axes (0,0), activation bluefor (I also tried none) , condition !alive heli1; I then gave the podnos a destroy waypoint where I want it to attack. I linked that waypoint to the trigger. I then went in the game and made sure the podnos were within the correct range to attack that target. But nothing.
  2. Well I found my answer. Someone wrote a nice script on another thread. Its actually weird how close their question was to mine but I swear I searched for a long time before asking. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=86016&highlight=mortar I appreciate the help though!
  3. I tested the reveal command by being one of the podnods guys and the sniper would appear as target for about 1 sec then disappear. I realized my trigger was set for once, so I changed that to repeatedly. But they still lose track of him immediately. I thought I would setup a marker on the map and try to get them to fire at the marker, seeings how that is always visible, but I dont think thats the way doTarget and doFire work.
  4. I just tried the doFire command. I named my 3 podnos units arty 1, arty 2, arty 3. I then named a unit that I wanted to get targeted _Sniper. Then in the trigger on Act: arty 1 doTarget _Sniper; arty 1 doFire _Sniper; arty 2 doTarget...etc for all 3 podnos. Still nothing. Maybe the podnos can't target the Sniper because hes 2000m away and they don't know where he's at?
  5. I thought that same thing so I put a music effect and a bomb scipt for a car on the trigger and both work right when the chopper dies. I've tried synching an artillery module to the podnos group leader and that didnt work either.
  6. JibbyJones

    Aircraft Carrier

    I used a setheight of 5 which looked pretty good