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Posts posted by humvee28

  1. After trying out ALiVE a little bit in the Editor i can simply say : TRULY EPIC!

    I´ve only placed my Group, two big Markers, covering Stratis in two Parts (North and South), placed and synced all needed Modules including Mil / Civ / CQB, and previewed.

    I have NEVER seen such a Full Scale War all over the Island, created in more or less than five Minutes. A pretty simple, but very impressive Scenario. :D

    A big thanks to the ALiVE Team. Stunning Work so far!

  2. Also Guys don't forget ALiVE isn't just about MP. Why not try out our SP Showcase! :cool:

    Hmm, i can´t play the Showcase. When i´m opening the Showcase-List, there is an ALiVE Showcase at the Bottom of the List, but the Mission has no Nametag, and when i´m doubleclick on it, it will not startup.

    I´ve redownloaded Alive, but it doesn´t fix the Problem. I´m running Arma 3 Stable with latest CBA and ALive.

  3. I can´t do any Update anymore via PWS and the Repo pws://asr-su.bzbit.com/a3a/asr_devel.yml

    I have CBA_A3, ASR_AI3 (V22) and ASR_Appendix (V29) installed. PWS want to update CBA_A3 and ASR_Appendix.

    When i´m connecting for an Update, PWS will update CBA_A3 to nearly 100%, and then the Download will stop and it tells "failed" for the last three .pbo´s from CBA_A3.

    After that i can´t reach the Server anymore due to remote Errors.

    I have worked with the Troubleshoot Guide of PWS, but i doesn´t solved the Problem.

  4. -OA Units

    -ACE Units

    -BAF Units

    -PMC Units

    -BB Mercs

    -BB OA Mercs

    -Bink SF

    -Bink USMC

    -Davegary´s Rangers

    -Massi´s Rangers

    -Massi´s SEAL´s

    -ExA HH60G

    -ExA Humvees

    -ExA RG31

    -Mc Nools Tier One Operators

    -Konyos Boeing / SOAR MH-47

    -Meatballs MARSOC Marines

    -Project CDF Mod

    -Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (AFRF by RHS)

    -Staglers Speznas GRU

    -Stalkers British MTP Units

    -Staglers Chechen Rebels

    -Staglers Modern FSB Units

    -STI A-10 and UH60

    -YuraPetrovs Blackhawks

    -TF 86 Seals

    -M109 Paladin Self-Propelled Artillery

    -ADuke´s Helos Pack

    Too many Characters for normal Posting so...Download : http://www53.zippyshare.com/v/92010490/file.html :)

  5. Working on a new HAC Units Config.

    Done so far :

    -OA Units

    -ACE Units

    -BAF Units

    -PMC Units

    -BB Mercs

    -BB OA Mercs

    -Bink SF

    -Bink USMC

    -Davegary´s Rangers

    -Massi´s Rangers

    -Massi´s SEAL´s

    -ExA HH60G

    -ExA Humvees

    -ExA RG31

    -Mc Nools Tier One Operators

    -Konyos Boeing / SOAR MH-47

    -Meatballs MARSOC Marines

    -Project CDF Mod

    -Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (AFRF by RHS)

    -Staglers Speznas GRU

    -Stalkers British MTP Units

    -Staglers Chechen Rebels

    -Staglers Modern FSB Units

    -STI A-10 and UH60

    -YuraPetrovs Blackhawks

    -TF 86 Seals

    -M109 Paladin Self-Propelled Artillery

    -ADuke´s Helos Pack

    EDIT : Finished


  6. Nice ongoing Development Rydgier, but one Problem still exists for me :

    Mechanized Units with Recon Task will move to the Recon Area, the Troops disembark, but after doing Recon they get not the Order to get into their Vehicle again. So they´re walking Kilometers across Chernarus with the APC rolling behind them. Any Idea what could be done?



  7. Hi there!

    A little Problem Report :

    Crews of Vehicles (in motorized / mechanized Infantry Groups) disembarking with the Infantry, and don´t moving back into it, leaving the Vehicle behind.

    Rarely they´re moving back into the Vehicle, but the Squad won´t mount up (even if the next Waypoint is Kilometers away).

    Especially the first Thing is very annoying. Any Chance to fix this? :)

    Sorry for digging up, but has this Problem be fixed in the latest Versions?

    Haven´t played Arma for a whole Time. :icon_redface:
