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Everything posted by humvee28

  1. Thanks for the new Chernarus Version. Very appreciated. After playing a while on local Host, i have fired up a Dedi on my Machine for the first time (configured with TA2DST), and it´s a MASSIVE Improvement. All the Time before, i have thought that running server.exe beside the Main Game would make the Gameplay more bad, due to additional CPU and Memory Usage (i have no clue about Server Stuff). Really Cool. :)
  2. Hmm, i have found many IED´s with the Detector, and did a controlled Det in the End, but i haven´t been blowed up till now.
  3. Namalsk and / or Chernarus would be nice. :D
  4. A-W-E-S-O-M-E, even for SP Players like me! Thanks a bunch, Mate.
  5. Maybe this could help for now? https://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/9239/VehiclesVisibleAtDistance_Visuals_C_PvPscene.pbo
  6. After further Checking it seens like that there is a Problem with the JSRS Distance Stuff. Kremator, could you check this too, please?
  7. humvee28

    ASR Appendix

    NP Mate. ;) A new ACE Wounds Feature? Sounds exciting. Another lesson learned. :D
  8. humvee28

    ASR Appendix

    I had the same Problem a while ago. What i have done : Deleted the ASR Folder in Userconfig, fired up Six Updater, clicked on ASR, and executed the Option "generate userconfig". No more Problems since that. :)
  9. I will ask him if he has an Idea what could cause the Issue.
  10. I have pinned down the Problem. It´s caused by JSRS Soundmod. WTF? :confused:
  11. It seems like, that the A-10´s in Operation "Eagle Eye" aka US vs TK on Takistan won´t take off anymore. After rollout from the Hangars they have to stop, because the Infantry, who is moving to the Blackhawks, is passing by in front of them. After that they´re rolling only a little bit more, and in the End they´re standing still on the Taxiway.
  12. Ok, will keep an Eye on it (haven´t seen this Issue myself till now).
  13. Sorry if i have overseen something, but what do you mean with "blinded" Groups?
  14. Hi there! A little Problem Report : Crews of Vehicles (in motorized / mechanized Infantry Groups) disembarking with the Infantry, and don´t moving back into it, leaving the Vehicle behind. Rarely they´re moving back into the Vehicle, but the Squad won´t mount up (even if the next Waypoint is Kilometers away). Especially the first Thing is very annoying. Any Chance to fix this? :)
  15. That would be a great Solution, cause it´s one of the things that aren´t steerable by now with given Arrays and Variables. :) I´ve tested HAC with FAW today, and it´s great. Thanks for that nice Piece of Work! Have to setup the FO Mode by now, to prevent that every Rifleman is calling in Arty. :D
  16. Helicopter : UH60M BlackHawk (Air Transport Support Unit) --> RHQ_Air, RHQ_Support, RHQ_Cargo RHQ_Support shouldn´t be used for Transport Helos. Otherwise they´re only moving like other Support Vehicles (Ammo-Trucks etc.), but doesn´t picking up Troops. New tested Arrays are : RHQ_Air, RHQ_NCAir, RHQ_Cargo, RHQ_NCCargo. Behaviour is very good now (Picking up Troops, Transport to Objective, Back to Base, and the same again). :)
  17. So, to simplify this in a short manner, we could say that you have to enter the Unit in the Fields which it will "fit in", e.g : - UAV : MQ9 Predator (unarmed Air Recon Unit) --> RHQ_Recon, RHQ_Air, RHQ_RAir, RHQ_NCAir - Helicopter : UH60M BlackHawk (Air Transport Support Unit) --> RHQ_Air, RHQ_Support, RHQ_Cargo It seems like that these "correct" Entries are essential for HETMAN, to use the Units the right Way.
  18. Never heard of this Array, and it isn´t mentioned in the Manual too. :confused:
  19. Dunno, but i´m pretty sure, that the Image Quality with injected SMAA was alot better than now (with the implemented Method). :confused:
  20. If you´re planning to do a simple Unit Replacement, you should only work with the Model-related Entries. Other Values like Accuray, Cost etc. are not needed, because they´re already defined, and they shouldn´t be changed also. Just saying. :)
  21. Best Way is to make Configs modular. One for Units, one for Weapons. ;)
  22. Curious. I have pasted all the Arrays in the Init.sqf, but HAC doesn´t take Command over the Units. USMC Units work fine, but all others don´t. I´m using 1.1 Alpha 4 btw. EDIT : RHQ_SubAll was needed to be changed from false to true.