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Everything posted by Two47shades

  1. Two47shades

    Warfare BE

    Been playing this mod for a long time and have noticed that when I am playing Multi player solo the AI just stop engaging one another. Enemy troops will run circles around friendlies and not a shot is fired at them. I have the latest BE 2_072 Chernarus. Is there something in the parameters that needs turned on or is this just a pure Multiplayer game and the AI are window dressing or cannon fodder. I have all the updates by using Six Updater, ACE, Jaymalibrary, OA, Brits and Renforcements. Thanks for your attention to this matter.
  2. Two47shades

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Been playing this mod for a long time and have noticed that when I am playing Multi player solo the AI just stop engaging one another. I have the latest BE 2_072 Chernarus. Is there something in the parameters that needs turned on or is this just a pure Multiplayer game and the AI are window dressing or cannon fodder. I have all the updates by using Six Updater, ACE, Jaymalibrary, OA, Brits and Renforcements. Thanks for your attention to this matter.
  3. Two47shades

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    I do not seem to know how to get warfareBE V2.062 ACE lite - Chernarus to run. I keep on getting this message when I try and start it. "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.acex_veh_m2, oh2_wheeled". I have kept my Arma2 up to date with the latest patches, I've run the new six-updater 2.0 to ensure that ACE2 mod is up to date. CBA is current. Any help would be appreciated. I use this target for start up "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe" -mod=@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;@CBA;@SOA I do not have the _RU or _US NAVY versions. Any help would be appreciated. Great mods. Keep the good work going.
  4. I've Cleaned out, moved to the end, removed other @CBA_ folders, left the @CBA solo and still I get that message.. "Include file x/cba/addons/main/script_eventhandlers.hpp not found" What to do..??
  5. Two47shades

    SLX Mod WIP

    The version before this ran War 3 Front flawless almost. Now the game crashes every 10 - 15 min. I guess it is not one of the lucky games that work with this mod. Love it though.
  6. Two47shades


    Love the game, but I got a problem. Every time I get to the rank of Lt Col., I try and recruit some men and the game dumps after I get 2 and go for a 3rd. What is the deal and is there a fix? I'm currently running the 1.03 version.