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Everything posted by dga

  1. @ Ziggy that didn't work either @ DnA that did the trick, I was just worried 'bout loosing my progress with "revert". 1. Maybe Heliport should be the top option above the mission 2. Should just have a Play or Continue button (sure, u still need to restart the campaign somehow) Thanks to both of you
  2. The "unassign"-thing should work for your AI To force your player out of the vehicle i think player action["eject", name of vehicle]; should work
  3. Thats what I did now. But thanks anyway. Could be useful for the next "morron" like me :D
  4. Hey there, well I've got a really weird problem here and right now I don't know how to help myself out of this mess. So there is a general question I need to get clarified. In my init.sqf I spawn a group. After that I'm adding an action to the player, which will have the group to enter the vehicle (that code itself is working), but I got a weird problem with the addAction-Parametrers. Init.sqf ... _group = [getMarkerPos "aPos", WEST, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player addAction["Move Squad into Heli", "Helpers\groupToVehicle.sqf",[_group]]; groupToVehicle.sqf ... _group = _this select 3; _leader = leader _group; The weird thing is, that I get following error for the "leader _group"-thing ... Error leader: Type Array, expected Object,Group,Team Member If I do the "leader"-thing in my init.sqf it is fine. I am really on a rage on this right now *argh* Why the hell is _group becoming an ARRAY?!? Did i miss something? Thanks in advance, dga
  5. Yeah, thanks, but I need to pass more stuff to the function, I just simplified the code for testing. And I thought I get the other stuff by _this select 4, _this select 5 ...stupid somehow ^^ I'll call that a fail.
  6. Omg, now I got it. so i gotta do _args = _this select 3; _group = _args select 0; right? Oh god, thank you. Completely lost my mind while raging. Somehow I thougt the arguments-"array" will passed along as 3,4,5...etc. Sometimes, you miss the simple things ;/
  7. yeah i'm aware of that, this is why i do _group = _this select 3; so I should have the single item of type group?
  8. Makes me sad, that most of you guys having problems with the Patch. Steam auto-installed it for me and I booted ARMA up, expecting some bad experiences. Well... for me, the game works better than ever before. I have a very decent machine (Quad 3.2, 2 nvidia gfx SLI and so on) but I always had that laggy feeling in ARMA and at all it was not THAT fun to play it, as it could be when its smooth. But I always thought, thats ARMA and it will never be any better... it is now. Well... since the Patch the Game is SMOOTH for me. It's as smooth as any other game. Just rocked out 5 Missions in a row. Usually I got sick of it after 1. Just wanted to share that, to let you (or the devs) know, that the update works for some. And for me it works PERFECT Only tested Singleplayer for now and I have NO MODS installed.
  9. Hi there, I'm working on a 2 man stealth Chopper missions. Basic Idea: Its NIGHT in Uterus, and I will fly to some enemy town with guards and take them out "silently". Well now, If I go up they (tanks) already see me from many many kms away. And kill me. I just want them to be not so aware of the chopper (even if its unrealistic). For example, I want to be able to go up in 3km range (high or low) and the gunner snipe them. Any suggestions would be cool. Thanks!
  10. Great script norrin, works like a charm. Thanks! Fiddled around in the maxspeed.sqf because i wanted the convoy to be more closer together. Somehow the first vehicle always drives away a bit, but its ok.
  11. becubed and pete, thanks for your answers, i will do it like that. At all, doing it like that is cool, because i can set specific areas where the chopper will be hidden and give a poo about the AI.
  12. You could be right ... ... with no light in uterus ;) If theres no way, I could set them to 'Never Fire' and let them fire on a trigger. No way of setting the range, AI detects stuff?