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Everything posted by dga

  1. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setCaptive I also think it would be a good choice.
  2. For example... - Text in the center of the screen http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/titleText http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cutText - Different Chat commands http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/sideChat http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/globalChat http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/groupChat and so on... I think there are a few more. But can't remember ;)
  3. dga

    Civilian Help

    I dont think a missions ends just because there is no BLUFOR as long any player is alive. Besides that, I have no clue. Do you have a trigger set to "END" in the mission?
  4. dga

    Spawning Units:

    UPSmon is quite easy to use 1. Download UpsMon 2. Put the UPS.sqf into your mission folder (mission needs to be saved first) 3. Place a reasonably sized rectangular marker 4. Give the marker a name like "CampPatrol" 5. Place a unit or a group 5. In the unit's (or group leader) "Init"-Box write nul=[this,"CampPatrol","random", "min:", 50] execVM "ups.sqf"; This will spawn the unit (or group) 50 times in random positions in the marker. About the respawn-thing, it's not that hard to do by trigger or script, but bear with me, its too late for me to get it down now. Someone else will do. ;)
  5. Works flawless for me using something like ["TASKID", "SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; in the completion trigger.
  6. My point is. That it shows the loading screen, even when its done loading. At least I think so. After more testing I'm sure. When loading you see the first loading bar go through. After that it starts again for no reason and takes some seconds. If you ALT-TAB out and in again you can skip it.
  7. dga

    Enemy counter

    Just a hint. If you use the while loop, consider using a sleep during the loop. Otherwise it will run on every frame. Which is baaaaad ;)
  8. dga

    UPSMON for arma3

    Be aware. The current version for Arma3 doesnt include parameters like "fortify". Check inside the .sqf for available parameters.
  9. It works. I also had black screen when I forgot the quotes Sync the "Init" and "Dynamic Spawn" and input the marker name WITH quotes. Besides that it does nothing special. It spawns a squad and thats it. Tried hooking it up with the patrol module. No luck so far.
  10. dga

    Dynamic Patrol?

    Can you tell us where you found it? Had no luck on devheaven etc. edit: nevermind. found it http://kronzky.info/ups/index.htm
  11. Hi, I got Arma2+OA. Friend of mine got Arma2Free and I wanted to host a little coop session for us. I started up pure ArmA2.exe and created the host. When my friend tried to connect to me, he got some "bad version"-error My Arma2 shows version: 1.11.86734 (steam) Arma2Free shows: 1.11 only (no steam) Any ideas? I dont think the mismatch comes from my "86734", cause thats the default patch level for now. Thanks
  12. Issue resolved. He had to download the Arma2 Free 1.11 Patch...even tough he downloaded Arma2Free 1.11 some days ago ^^
  13. I knew a good solution but can't remember it...damn it. But here is one thing you can do. 1. Place a unit somewhere and give it a name..for example "com". 2. In the init-line do this setGroupId "HQNAME"; 3. Now you can do com sideChat "blabla"; It just a fake HQ, but it works ;)
  14. damn it, i was working for some days on a mission just like that. now i found this and recognized, mine (besides exact same concept) is not as cool and smooth as yours. i salute to you, now i will play workhorse and dump mine :/ :D
  15. Hey there. Well after the 2nd mission my brother told me about the war stuff and i had to start the "south-asia" mission. I didn't finish it and left the game. Now, when I go into Career there are several missions I already played (including the trainings). So to go on with the campaign I chose "Heliport". My brother told me the story again and I said "No thanks". Next there is the scene where I shall accept the "whaling" mission. So I choose that. -> After that, I get back to the carreer menu. Currently I see no possibility to go on with the campaign ;( I guess "revert" will put the campaign to start?
  16. Well..ok, I will give the "launcher"-thing a shot :D
  17. I like six, but dont like launchers. I still have to "start" the game for a specific server. That is, what my rant was about :D
  18. Why is not popular? Ok what I'm saying now, doesnt count for the real noobs but... As an 2-3 year experienced arma2-player i got a shortcut running with Ace and JSRS (sound) mod ..... I cant connect ANY ANY ANY (i'm raging) f*cking server besides for example TG ... Thats just silly and awful. I can't do a mod-shortcut for every f*cking server. THAT IS A REAL SUCKY... So what the hell, i need a shortcur for - MP without any mods - MP with lingor - MP with ace - MP with ace and lingor - MP with ace and jsrs . MP with Acre but no ace - MP but with ACRE and ACE - MP with fallujah but no ace - MP with fallujah but ACE - mp with what helle wtf .... SCREW THIS! fuuuuu (yes, im still raging)
  19. I just said "you are not", because I expected better manners and more helpful criticism from one like you :D
  20. Different chopper? Or...my best guess ... different weather... less wiiiind.
  21. dga

    Thinking about buying...

    i think your stick will be fine. why does everyone want that military thing? there is enough danger in TOH...the 4 elements....but i am sure, soon some missions will pop up from the community that give you a lot of bangs, bums and hellfire
  22. first, turn off vsync No you are not. Your computer crashes? Maaan, you got way other problem with your computer than not being able to fly a straight :D But...sure...the other "99%" are lying and just trying to sell you a "shi*tty game"...riiiiight.
  23. dga

    ToH - Like SimCopter??!?!?

    TOH totally took me on a flash back ~15 years ago, when I playe SimCopter as a child. F*ck was it great. And yeah...it's totally scriptable and someone will do it very soon...if not...i'll do ;) I cant wait for taking care of those stupid traffic jams :D
  24. dga

    Take-On Combat?

    I've workd on a mission (troop-drop / medevac) script on arma2, will see if I can port it to TOH
  25. It was worth mentioning it, so thanks ;)